Everyone knows physical fitness is important, but sometimes exercising seems daunting. You have to find the time, the energy, and the motivation. When you spend eight hours at work – whether that be at a job or running your household – you may feel less than enthused to dedicate extra time to “working out” (more work – ugh!!!).
Although it’s not easy to start and stick with an exercise schedule, it is worth it. You will feel better physically, and you will feel proud of yourself when you accomplish your goals. You’ll also get the added mood boosters of endorphins and more energy. I have been consistent with my exercise for almost twenty years now. Here are the mindsets that have kept me exercising, even when I didn’t particularly feel like it.
1. Something is better than nothing
In a world where we’re constantly told we need to give 100%, it might feel like exercise isn’t worth it if you’re not willing or able to train like a new Marine at bootcamp. That’s not reality. Any movement you get in is better than sitting on the couch.
If you don’t know where to begin, start small. If you can’t run, walk, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You can find walking workouts on YouTube or Amazon Prime designed to do in your living room if you can’t get outside (I did these a lot when I was pregnant). Yoga is another great way to add some gentle exercise to your daily routine. The point is try to get some exercise in. There will be days when your 100% is really more like 80%, and that’s OK.
2. Do what works for you, when it works for you, where it works for you
Some people swear by getting up early and knocking out their workouts first thing in the morning. I am not one of these people. I prefer working out at lunch. Maybe you’ll prefer going to the gym after work to help you wind down. There’s really no wrong time, or wrong way to work out.
If you like dancing, try a Zumba class. If you’re competitive, try signing up for a race and work towards being your fastest. There are so many options on how and where to work out. If you like going to a gym or a studio, do that. If you prefer getting your groove on in the privacy of your living room, that’s OK too. You’re more likely to stick to exercise when you do it in a way that works for you.
3. Take breaks when you need to, but get back into your routine ASAP
We all have times when we need to take it easy due to injury, illness, or other circumstances. I was exhausted when I was breastfeeding my children, so I didn’t exercise during that time. As soon as I was done, I started back with some Pilates-style workouts to get my stamina back up. I gradually increased the intensity until I could workout like I did pre-pregnancy. Listen to your body and rest when you need to, but don’t let these little breaks become permanent.
If you’ve recently started exercising and are ready to give up, hang in there. Maybe you just need to try new things until your find what works for you. Once you find your groove, you’ll feel proud of yourself and stronger than ever!