I was never one to have a bunch of hobbies, although I’ve always wanted some. Hobbies seem like they are a “healthy” thing, even a “cool” thing to have. I suppose, depending on the type of hobby, it can help with stress relief, bring joy, and help promote that sense of self-identity that I still have not quite regained since becoming a mom. Many moms say that having hobbies have been really helpful for them. I am on board for everything and anything helpful!
But I just can’t say I have a hobby. I wish I could. I do have interests. I’m sure I can find myself a hobby. I like listening to music, for example. But lately if I get a chance to myself, I can’t wait to turn off the Disney playlist and drive in complete silence staring blankly at the road ahead. I have become so easily overstimulated lately, I covet any chance to sit in silence for a few moments.
I also like exercise. I participated in a bunch of sports growing up and movement is still very important to me. I go to exercise classes when I can. I lift my baby up and down all day and run after my insatiably energetic son. I like exercise, but when I get the chance to plop down on the sofa where the only movement is my hand bringing a coffee mug to my mouth, I am content with that. Unfortunately, though, that can’t be a hobby either.
I love to read. But after putting my son to sleep after “one more story,” I can barely keep my eyes open wide enough to finish a page of the book I’ve been reading for months. So maybe reading isn’t my hobby either. Although reading is the best, I wish I could say that was my hobby.
I also love discovering new recipes and making delicious food. But I have to squeeze in cooking during the time my son is watching TV, my daughter is taking a nap and I have just enough time to sauté some meat and roast some veggies. So, I guess I’ll put off my potential hobby as a chef for another day.
Maybe the season I am in doesn’t call for hobbies. Maybe it is okay to just survive some days. Maybe, for now, my hobby will be thinking about the hobbies. So therefore, I do have a hobby. I think.