My life in social media really began in 2016 when my husband and I were in the throes of infertility and I was trying to connect with other families in a similar situation. From there, my account morphed and changed many times over the years. I used it to chronicle our adoption journey, as a space to share several different business adventures, a blog, and now as mostly just a catch-all of this current season of life. A little mom content, a little about adoption, infertility, and IVF, a little bit of politics, and a lot of just random thoughts from me.
As my journey in social media changed alongside my life, I started having friends ask for help with their own social media accounts. It started out as branding and logo creation and then I found myself giving advice over coffee. After a while I realized this was something I could do to actually help support my family! I loved the work, but finding a way to monetize it was a little difficult at first. But now…
I’m a Mom AND…
A Social Media Manager
I started out by just offering my expertise to anyone who was interested. I wasn’t charging, but I was asking that in return people give me feedback, reviews, and allow me to use whatever I created for them in a portfolio. As I was building my portfolio I began learning as much as I could about being a Social Media Manager. I followed accounts on Instagram and TikTok, watched hours of videos on Youtube, and got my hands on as many free resources as possible!
Once I had a growing portfolio and some education under my belt, I just started applying for positions. I didn’t have the experience a lot of people wanted, but I ended up finding the exact right jobs within a few months. I started with just two accounts and now I’m currently manage around four to five at any given time. One thing that really helped me was knowing my strengths and weaknesses. I lean in really strongly to my strengths and I’m constantly trying to learn as much as possible about trends, SEO, and ad creation.
The best part is that this is a totally remote job that I can work pretty much whenever I want. As a mom of three, and being just six months postpartum, flexibility is a must. I can work when it’s convenient for me, even if it’s just a quick 20 minutes in carline or in a waiting room.
If you love creating content, staying up to date with social media platforms, and don’t mind being proactive to find education and jobs, then Social Media Management might be a really great opportunity for you too!