Monthly Archives: June 2014

How I Became a Father :: Fostering and Adopting Children in...

{In honor of Father's Day, we are handed over our computer to a local dad for his unique perspective on parenthood. Read along to find...

A Guide to Farmer’s Markets in the Midlands

Buying local produce has never been easier with the availability of local farmer's markets. Most are held on Saturday mornings, so ice up your coffee,...

Father’s Day Card Craft

Need a creative, quick, easy, and inexpensive Father's Day craft idea for Dad or Grandpa? How about this new "shirt"? It will be one...

Best Sweet Tea in the Columbia :: In Honor of National...

These days there's a "holiday" for everything. But considering I'm a Southerner who continues to live in the South, National Iced Tea Month is...

Father’s Day Gifts :: Suggestions From a Dad

{Father's Day is in 6 days -- have you gotten a little something for the father in your life? If you're stumped on what...

Finally Bringing Baby Home :: A NICU Story

Earlier this week you read parts 1 and 2 of Barbara's story: her son Asher's birth and his first few days in the NICU....

Becoming a Patient Parent

Our household has experienced a major milestone in the past few weeks. I'll spare you the gory details, but let's just say clean, dry underwear...

Top 10 Things My Son Will Never Experience the Way I...

June is a big month for birthdays in our house! This year I will be 37, and my oldest son will be 5! In...

The Passion Behind Hippie Chick Granola {Giveaway and Coupon Code!}

I met Ilene Evans exactly one year ago at Bloggy Boot Camp in Charlotte. She and I had become friends through the blogging world,...

Walking with a Friend Through the Loss of a Child

For most parents, the thought that strikes fear in our hearts like no other is losing a child. No parent wants to outlive their children,...

Praying to Bring my Baby Home:: A NICU Story

Earlier this week, Barbara shared the story of her son's birth. Asher was born 18 days early and seemed healthy; but instead of snuggling...

$1 Kid-Friendly Summer Movies at Regal Cinemas :: Still a Columbia...

As a kid, I couldn't wait for summer vacation to begin! No more homework, lots of time to play with friends and endless activities...

The Journey No New Parents Expect to Take :: A NICU...

My son, Asher, was born on April 10, 2014.  That was the day I became a mom for the second time.  I also, quite...