The ultimate back to school guide! We’re gearing up for another school year and know that brings excitement for some and panic for others. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, we've rounded up some of the back-to-school...
It's only July but already parents are thinking about back-to-school because, here in the Midlands, some schools are starting earlier this year. The lackadaisical days of summer and easy summer nights are coming to an end and I know...
For most children, summertime is a welcomed reprieve. It's a time for pools, splash pads, parks, barbeques, and summer vacations! With all that excitement the last thing children may want to think about is summer learning. But, summer learning doesn't have...
I can't believe that my oldest daughter is turning five soon and will be entering kindergarten! Seriously, how is time passing so fast? I just submitted her first set of kindergarten paperwork and reality is hitting hard. We may be...
Summertime is upon us! Time to let littles relax and have fun…playing outdoors, staying up late, and reading! Reading? YES! Research shows that kids who do not read over the summer can suffer from “summer slide” or “brain drain.” Did you...
Dear fellow homeschool moms, It's May. May!! That means we're almost done with our 180 days. It's almost summer, and even if you homeschool during the summer months like us, the schedule will be different, the weather will be different, and hopefully different...
Mother's Day is right around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than with some fun-themed books! Here are five my family enjoyed. The Greatest Mother's Day of All This is a cute book written by an Australian author, Anne...
Did you know your child's school library has TONS to offer? For those of us who have children under the age of five, we are well aware of the services provided to us by the public library – storytime, special...
Okay, so I was totally the mom who was NEVER going to allow her kid on YouTube. I mean, you've read about the people who think it's entertaining to sneak in violent and inappropriate images into YouTube videos for...
We are in our sixth year of homeschooling now, and it has been a grand adventure of getting to know my children better, figuring out what works for our family, and of seeing what I am learning - usually...
One of my goals this time last year was to read 24 books. So I would basically read two books each month. Not only did I reach my goal but I surpassed it. But if I'm being honest, I...
The life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. is celebrated annually during the month of January. Schools usually do special units around him and the entire civil rights movement. Some schools even host special events like parades or...
It's no secret that I love to read and share a good book with my children. I especially look forward to Christmas books, because one of our traditions is to buy a few new ones each year and read...
Books are a valuable way to understand others and build empathy. When you pick up a book and read through its pages, you're entering into the world of another human, hearing their innermost thoughts, and experiencing life with them....

In + Around Columbia

Weekend Events for Kids

** Events are subject to change. Be sure to click on the event link to verify date and time ** Please Note :: While we...