If you have a child in school, you've likely experienced the notorious after-school carpool line.
I have a kindergarten student this year so I'm newer to the process, but I quickly learned carpool etiquette: Which direction traffic flows, what speed...
When I was pregnant with my first baby - my daughter, Mackenzie - I remember browsing Pinterest boards with the soft muted nurseries and the beautiful flat lays of tutus and bows and the bushel of soft blankets that...
We all know what August means...SCHOOL! Going back to school can bring out a lot of emotions in both parents and children, from excitement to anxiety. But, ready or not, here it comes!
When we think about going back to school...
It's World Breastfeeding Week and while it's meant to celebrate all the positives about breastfeeding, let's just get real for a moment. Breastfeeding is indeed wonderful in many ways. But, it can also be complicated, demanding, unglamorous, and even...
You know all the baby and child-friendly places in the Midlands, but your child is too old for that stuff now and you have a tween? You need a new place, a new activity, a new family strategy. We've got a...
Let's face it, we all know that feeding your baby, no matter what method you choose, can be a difficult task. Whether you are trying to find the perfect formula for your sensitive newborn or figuring out how to...
It's only July but already parents are thinking about back-to-school because, here in the Midlands, some schools are starting earlier this year. The lackadaisical days of summer and easy summer nights are coming to an end and I know...
When I was in college, all-nighters were easy. A diet cola, rock 'n' roll blaring through the headphones of my portable CD player, and a can of tuna fish with a jar of pickles (I had weird cravings even...
"Mom, I want to ask a girl at school to be my Valentine."
I held my breath for a few moments when my 10-year-old said those words. I thought to myself, "He's only 10. It's too early for this. Well,...
For most children, summertime is a welcomed reprieve. It's a time for pools, splash pads, parks, barbeques, and summer vacations! With all that excitement the last thing children may want to think about is summer learning. But, summer learning doesn't have...
Remember playing Chutes and Ladders together? Candyland? Connect Four? Uno? I loved those games.
OK, not Candyland. I have a few good fuzzy memories of playing Candyland as a child. They include me always drawing a card to jump ahead and never...
If you are reading this, you are likely expecting your first baby (congratulations!), or maybe you are in the midst of the newborn haze. As I write this, I am at the end of that first postpartum month, as...
If you have lived through the hot summer days of South Carolina, then you either own a water table or have definitely heard about it! A water table allows your child all the fun of water play, with the...
My daughter has depression and recently tried to kill herself. We hospitalized her for her safety, and I'll write about that later - I know it's an important story to tell, but I'm still pretty raw from it.
I'm writing...