Monthly Archives: October 2015

Cooking From Your Pantry :: Easy Puttanesca

In light of recent events here in the Midlands, I am sure it comes as no surprise that my kids and I have been...

5 Reasons I’ll Never Be “Mother of the Year”

My Faceboook and Instagram feeds are filled with pictures of kids. Happy kids, doing all sorts of incredible, engaged activities with their parents. These...

8 Ways to Save Money at the South Carolina State Fair...

The South Carolina State Fair is held October 14-25 in Columbia. Many anticipate this annual event, including my kids who ask me on a regular basis when...

Flood Columbia With Love Fundraiser

We are excited to partner with Snip-its Haircuts for Kids to help out the families in our community affected by the recent floods. Snip-its Haircuts for Kids...

10 of the Best Apple Recipes for Autumn

I never get sick of apple season. You? I feel like the invasion of all things pumpkin spice has cut that season short and overshadowed...

Why I’m Grateful My Son Has Witnessed Natural Disaster Firsthand

Being a young couple that has made a habit of relocating around the country for assignments, my husband and I knew that we would...

How Can I Help?

My Facebook feed has been full of pictures that really just break my heart. Yes, a tragedy is happening in Columbia and much of...

How to Discuss a Natural Disaster with Children

I've never experienced a natural disaster until this past weekend. Hurricane Joaquin and other storms brought torrential downpours to the southeastern United States. It rained in Columbia...

Forget the Big Picture

Not really, but just for a few minutes. Do not focus on the utter devastation of the floods, the submerged cars, the crumbling buildings,...

After the Floods

I have never had a hometown. I grew up as an Air Force brat, never staying more than four years in one place as...

Honoring the Child You Lost :: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance...

October is dedicated to Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness. One in four pregnancies do not go full-term. We feel the loss of our babies, whether it’s...

The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep . . . Does...

A few weeks ago, there was major internet buzz about this book, The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep, and how it was literally...