Luz Zertuche Mery

Luz Zertuche Mery
Luz has been happily married for seven years and is a proud mom to three girls, four years and under. She is originally from Mexico but has lived in Tennessee, Texas, and South Carolina. South Carolina has been her family's home for almost two years (but they have been in Columbia only six months, so she is eager to explore all the city and its surroundings have to offer). So far, she has really enjoyed going to the Riverfront Park, picking strawberries at different farms, eating ice cream at Rosewood Dairy Bar, and going to events at the State Fairgrounds. She is a stay-at-home mom, avid churchgoer, and community helper. Some of her passions include reading, cooking/baking, listening to music, learning new languages, exercising by watching fitness videos, and traveling. She recently started to learn all about gardening and loves it (it has turned into a family activity for the weekends).

3 Tips to Help Beat the Winter Blues

Winter can be a great opportunity to stay cozy inside, with the fireplace on, or baking some goods, cleaning the house, thinking about your spring/summer plans. But it also can be a very difficult...

Camping for Beginners

Want to learn how to camp but where to begin? Enjoy camping but haven't been in a while, and need a refresher on basic skills? Then this post is for you! On November 12 and...

3 Challenges I’ve Faced Since Moving to the U.S.

When people ask me how I am doing after moving to the states from Mexico, I usually highlight all the wonderful things that have happened since our arrival. The many places we have visited,...

I Am a Girl Mom

I ALWAYS wanted to be a girl mom. Even before I got married. Even before I met my husband. Back when I worked at an office and my colleagues started having babies, I used to tell...