My baby is 15 months old, and up until we moved two months ago, I still had my hospital bag packing list washi-taped to the bedroom wall. Call me sentimental and schmaltzy, but there was something so magical and...
Parents of preteens can be very naïve these days. I remember the days of my youth when I would lie to my parents about who I was talking to on the phone . . . and now as a mother...
There's too much chatter about food these days. Just last week I met another mom at a coffee shop. I'd been scribbling on a pad of paper before she showed up and she asked what I'd been doing. "Grocery list," I...
My invitation came via social media. An out of town friend posted this article and I was intrigued. Intrigued, as in, this sounds cool, I'll share it on my facebook page. Almost immediately that notification ding came through and a local...
I'm 33 years old. I am in better shape now than when I was in my 20's ... not to say having babies hasn't left me with the "mom belly" or that I weigh as much as I did in...
Fall is my favorite time of year. I start thinking about all the things pumpkin spice as early as the end of July. This past August, I got a jump start on the season by making some delicious, healthy pumpkin dark chocolate chip...
He showed up at our house within a few months after our son was born. The Tickle Monster. This unknown persona would suddenly overtake my husband and I'd become third wheel as the two of them, father and son, enjoyed (?) this...
I read an article recently in Real Simple magazine about women's clothing sizes. And the gist of the whole article was how sizes have changed over the years: why, how, by whom, etc. What was most interesting to me, eye-catching...
I'm a mom of two kids, a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. You can imagine the number of things I am asked in a day (like 4,632 questions a minute), most of which are crazy and impossible. However, I realized lately I'm so...
Our son Sam didn't learn to read in kindergarten, even though he was one of the oldest children in his class. He did learn to read in first grade, but not particularly well and not until the end of...

Saying Goodbye Again

We’re back to the inescapable heat of the United Arab Emirates where temperatures vary from 100-115 degrees Fahrenheit from dusk to dawn. We are back to camel crossings and the multiple daily sounds of calls to prayer. We back...
Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? With the peak of hurricane season upon us, there is no better time to make sure you and your family are prepared for an emergency. There are countless scenarios that can disrupt...
I don't know about you, but in our house Play-Doh is a big deal. My boys LOVE it and it's as much of a staple in our house as peanut butter! I love it too. It fosters so much creativity...
Dear Parents of Boys - CSCMB

Dear Parents of Boys

Dear Parents of Boys, My husband and I are raising two daughters. They are beautiful, smart, sweet, strong, and independent. And soon enough your boys will be interacting with our girls. We're trying our best to raise these two little...

In + Around Columbia

Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party Ticket Giveaway & Discount...

Enter to win a family 4-pack of tickets to see Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party at the Colonial Life Arena! We’re celebrating Mother's...