Columbia SC Moms Blog is honored to partner with My Gym to bring our readers the following post. All opinions are our own. As a stay-at-home mom to a very busy 3-year-old, I'm always on the lookout for activities to involve my...
As a daycare provider, nanny and child care consultant, I’ve seen kids totally own toilet training and I've witnessed kids (and parents) retreat. As a stay-at-home mom, I now spend my days with my own little trooper. Tim’s my...
I am feeling the effects: grumpy, bleary-eyed, tired, haggard. I am aching all over, and my willpower is weak. I had too much. I was overserved. I can not possibly take one more drawn out, high-pitched syllable. Nothing is as...
Chocolate has been a topic of conversation lately. With Valentines Day right around the corner, my kids have been asking what they can make for each other and cards of pink and red with candy attached is at the top...
Let me preface this by saying I have never actually considered myself cool prior to having children or making the pilgrimage to Disney World, but after returning from the "The Happiest Place on Earth" recently, I know beyond a shadow...
Columbia SC Moms Blog is honored to partner with Fathom Travel Ltd. to bring our readers the following post. All opinions are our own. Do you love traveling to new destinations, experiencing different countries and cultures while also helping make our world...
Losing a loved one is never easy. Losing a sibling, especially at a young age, is even harder. My sister, Brittany, passed away January 30, 2006 at the age of 15 from Epilepsy. I had just turned 17 two weeks before her...
Have you ever wondered how virtual learning can impact your family’s life in a positive way? Many families are enjoying their decision to delve into virtual learning. Flexibility, support, and vigorous curriculum are just a few of the many...
When sitting around with other mothers, regardless of age and experience, a common complaint is how exhausting it is to constantly feed our families. Three meals a day, plus snacks, multiplied by the number of people in your home. AH!...
If South Carolina weather over the past several months could be summed up into one word, it would be: Unpredictable. Between the initial flooding, subsequent massive rainfall, and now snow - which happened to occur between weeks with unseasonably warm temperatures...
I grew up mostly in New England and Ohio, where snow in the winter is common and no one got excited unless there was a big snowstorm, and "big" was defined as anything over a foot of snow. Moving...
Brr! It's cold outside. I have fond childhood memories of playing outside in the snow with my sisters and coming inside to a mug of hot chocolate. But it's not just for kids. On a cold winter day hot...
  As a makeup artist, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is not about makeup at all, but rather skincare. Facial moisturizer to be specific and whether or not it is necessary to wear on a daily...
My husband is a huge barbecue fan, and he loves to grill year round. He made this dessert of grilled peaches for me on our third date, and I've been in love with him (and his cooking) ever since. This recipe...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Museum of Art Offers Free Summer Admission to South Carolinians

The Columbia Museum of Art has been selected to participate in Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program, a transformative, three-year funding initiative aimed...