Raise your hand if you have a picky eater. Now raise your other hand if the thought of feeding your child for the upcoming school year has you totally freaking out. Do you have any hands left? My daughter will be attending...
Back to school shopping can feel like a race. Between getting the necessary supplies, dealing with crowds and other parents stressing over last minute supplies, and then scrambling to buy that thing you either couldn't find or forgot about,...
Back to school is a busy time with buying school supplies, sports physicals, teacher meetings, open houses, clothes shopping and more. But if you're the parent of an allergy child you have additional tasks; trips to the allergist, putting...
It's 2 p.m. and I'm sitting on my back porch. That's right, I said sitting. It's one of those days I've decided to let the dishes pile up and use the ever sacred nap hour as a time to...
I know what I am supposed to be feeling right now. As I approach the day I'll send my only child to preschool for the first time, I am supposed to be tearful. Nervous. Bemoaning the passage of time. I...
The idea of filling my closet with a carefully selected group of clothes that I can mix and match has always appealed to me. Maybe it's because I hate clothes shopping, maybe it's due to the fact that I...
I sent my baby off to preschool last week. My youngest (and last) child is now in school. This was a day I had been dreading for a while. Not just for him, but for me too.  When my oldest...
School is just around the corner. Gone are the carefree mornings around the house, and in come the days of more structure (and less snacking). It's important to provide a filling breakfast to tide your little ones over until...
The first day of school is right around the corner and since we know you’re busy getting new backpacks and lunchboxes as well as enjoying those last few days of summer, we’ve created some First Day of School Printables...
I was walking through Target with my son and we saw the school supplies all being set out. The summer items were already dwindling and being replaced by crayons, markers, and notebooks. It’s July. Summers seem to be shorter and...
Like most parents in mid-August, I begin the school year with the best of intentions. I lay out carefully selected matching outfits the night before the school day and the backpacks have been double checked and lined up by door...
Like many parents, you may be wondering what to give your child’s new teacher. No worries, as a former teacher, I got you covered. If you want the perfect gift, the one that will set you and your child...
It's back to school time, and heading into a new school year has never looked as different as it does now. Whether your child will be participating in a hybrid model, virtual, face-to-face, or homeschooling, we've got you covered...
In the spring of 2017, I was a kindergarten teacher. It was my privilege to fill 27 precious five-year-old minds with new information and show them how fun and rewarding learning could be. We celebrated baby steps and milestones...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids