So you're thinking about homeschooling. Maybe your child is ready to enter kindergarten next year, and your feeling more than the normal sadness of sending him to school in the fall and not seeing him for a good part of...
When I first started homeschooling, I was apprehensive about facing public response. I have vivid memories from my childhood of strangers reacting to our family’s educational choices. Homeschooling back in the dark ages of the 80’s meant that 9 times out...
When I tell new acquaintances that we homeschool, one of the first assumptions is that I am with my kids at home all day long, everyday. While that may be true of some families, it is not the case...
Have you ever wondered how virtual learning can impact your family’s life in a positive way? Many families are enjoying their decision to delve into virtual learning. Flexibility, support, and vigorous curriculum are just a few of the many...
When sitting around with other mothers, regardless of age and experience, a common complaint is how exhausting it is to constantly feed our families. Three meals a day, plus snacks, multiplied by the number of people in your home. AH!...
Because we homeschool, we have the privilege of deciding what our children are going to study and when. Some of that has been as straightforward as purchasing a basic math curriculum and running with it. In other ways, we...
2015 was truly an incredible second year for the Columbia SC Moms Blog! We are so thankful to all you, our readers, who were right there with us as we shared stories about our families, highlighted all the fun...
I confess. I am a practical gift giver. Nine times out of ten, I will tuck something useful and needed under the tree. Books are my favorite things to give to kids and adults alike, but gifting a cookbook is...
When I had my first child, I was surprised what a letdown Christmas was. Granted, at his first Christmas he was only 6 weeks old, so you can't expect much more than him laying there in a holiday-themed outfit posed with gifts or smiling...
The idea of filling my closet with a carefully selected group of clothes that I can mix and match has always appealed to me. Maybe it's because I hate clothes shopping, maybe it's due to the fact that I...
Whether you are the parent of a fairly healthy child, a medically complex child, or somewhere in between, navigating the rules of public schools with regards to medication and other medical needs can be sometimes a little frustrating. While...
I can't even tell you how many times I have looked down at my small brood and though to myself, "Huh. I should probably feed you guys something..." We have to eat. It's just the way it is. And whether...
School has officially started here in the Midlands of South Carolina and parents everywhere are getting back in the swing of things. Earlier bedtimes, earlier mornings, after-school activities, and nights of homework and required reading have become our days. I,...
If your family is anything like mine ... summertime equals binge-reading time! In May my 9-year-old son and 7-year-old daughter always sign up for our library’s summer reading program and spend the next couple of months trying to meet...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids