We’re gearing up for another school year and know that brings excitement for some and panic for others. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, we've rounded up some of the back-to-school posts we’ve written throughout the years...
Today, students have their own academic journeys and some face challenges that may take them off course, whether it’s having to work a day job to support their own families, fall short in earning course credit to graduate, face...
It's only July but already parents are thinking about back-to-school because, here in the Midlands, some schools are starting earlier this year. The lackadaisical days of summer and easy summer nights are coming to an end and I know...
Call me weird, but one of my favorite mom duties is packing my kids’ lunches for school. There’s something about putting a little extra love into their meal and knowing they’ll have a midday reminder that I’m thinking about...
Roughly twelve months ago, I became a contributing writer for Columbia Mom. My passion and desire for reading and writing began at an early age. I was always reading books and journaling. However, for several years, I rarely made...
Choosing the right school can seem like an overwhelming task. Combine that with the fact that there are so many different types of schools and education options, and it can make your head spin. Our hope is that this...
This year I came to the realization that I've spent more years of my life dealing with depression than I haven't. In grade school, I remember writing an essay and likening the absence of depression to warmth, a feeling...
Summertime is upon us! Time to let littles relax and have fun…playing outdoors, staying up late, and reading! Reading? YES! Research shows that kids who do not read over the summer can suffer from “summer slide” or “brain drain.” Did you...
Becoming a mother is an incredibly huge transition in life. Of course, most people know that a baby really does change everything, but you never really know how much motherhood can change you, until you actually become a mother. There's...
Babies are everywhere! Lately, I am finding that more and more of my friends are pregnant and having babies, and it's so exciting. There's nothing more exciting than a brand new life (and a squishy, cute little baby!) coming...
The South Carolina State Fair, a self-supporting 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is now accepting applications for its 26th annual Ride of Your Life Scholarship program, which awards $300,000 in college scholarships to high school seniors across South Carolina each year. Applications will be open until March...
Central Carolina Community Foundation is now accepting scholarship applications through March 5, 2023, for the 2023-2024 school year. More than 230 scholarship opportunities are available, totaling over $550,000. Interested students should visit www.yourfoundation.org/scholarships to view eligibility criteria and complete the online...
In our fast-paced, high-stress world, almost everyone is trying to find a source of peace and happiness. Often, we look to relationships, career accomplishments, and religion. Years ago, I read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and everything in...
One of the most arduous tasks for a parent is choosing a school for their child. This task becomes seemingly insurmountable when you add to the mix relocating from a different city or state. Around Our Schools’ intent is to...

In + Around Columbia

Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party Ticket Giveaway & Discount...

Enter to win a family 4-pack of tickets to see Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party at the Colonial Life Arena! We’re celebrating Mother's...