We live in the south where there is a church on just about every street corner and almost everyone you know attends one of them. It's a huge part of family life. For many, it shapes the way they parent,...
If there has been any one person who has influenced me most as a parent, it's been my mom. She is the person I have modeled myself after in how I raise my children, and in the way I...
I went to bed Thursday night with a weight on my chest, hearing the words of a child who was the same age as my twins, basically telling her mother not to worry, that she was right there. My babies...
This week has been heavy for the American people, but not more heavier than those of the African American community and families of law enforcement. No individual regardless of race, gender, or religion deserves their life to be taken...
I became a mother nearly seven years ago. From the very beginning, my journey has been clouded by unshakable feelings of failure. Far too often have I been disillusioned by the whispers in my mind telling me I'm not...
Moving is challenging. Period. South Carolina is the fifth state I've called home. Columbia is the first state I've moved to as a mommy! {I love our city.} Here you'll find my advice for ENJOYING {yes, you read that...
I have seen more than enough families cease to exist, and more than enough children without fathers to know that you are more than just a good thing. You're a phenomenal thing. When I met you, the first thing you said to...
My Dearest Bryan, When I met you that night in a crowded bar on an insanely hot July evening, I would never have guessed that years later I would be so excited to celebrate you with love and appreciation on...
There are moments that will never leave my heart. Moments like when I told you we were expecting our first child. Then, when you cared for me as my head hung in a toilet plagued with nausea. Or the first ultrasound when...
Dear Brad, Before you were their father you were my husband. I married you for many reasons, and as our family has grown, that number has grown. So I want you to know sixteen years and five children later, I love...
My 13 month old fell down the stairs today. I was in his sister's room, helping her dress as I heard the, "bam, bam, bam, thud" followed by quick and shriek wails. I screamed for my husband and threw...
I love sports, always have and always will. As a child, people often called me a tomboy, a name I wore like a badge of honor. There was no better gift than a warm up jacket with my name...
Moms aren't perfect ... and even better yet PEOPLE aren't perfect. The mom shaming and people shaming on social media over the past few weeks is disheartening. I feel shocked and embarrassed at some of the comments I read. They truly are...
Keeping a young child quiet during a church service is no small feat. Thankfully, many churches have wonderful children's programs that allow parents to worship with undivided attention. Still, there are some instances where you may need to keep your small child with...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids