What Normal Looks Like

"Oh, I can’t have you over," other moms always say. "My house is a mess." I arrive for a play date and as soon as I come in the door, I’m told, "Don’t judge me, the house is a...
Welcome parents, children and adult. As a new resident of the Midlands 2 years ago, I was eager to get any sort of information on the area that made our transition easier. Where are the best parks, how to...
I can hardly believe my twin daughters are turning 10 this month. It blows my mind that my babies have grown so much (in fact my youngest “baby” is now 4), and that I have been parenting for a...
We all have some reason to be grateful. Yet how do we become people of gratitude and how important is it that our children learn to feel grateful? Research at the Greater Good Science Center at University of California -...
Someone posed a question to single moms the other day asking, "How do you do it?" My answer was, "What choice do you have?" It's the truth. You just do it. Most of you, if you're familiar with my writing,...
I have a secret. Actually, I have two secrets. While all of you have been debating whether to co-sleep with your babies, let them cry, or are telling me they’ve slept peacefully and alone since they came home from the...
My husband and I will celebrate our second wedding anniversary this month. We have been together just over three years. Our son will be one in July. Needless to say, we are learning something new about each other everyday! And...
I guess I should have known better when we accidentally started rescuing cats, even though I’m allergic (another story for another time). Not every teeny tiny kitten is going to make it. After we got Tipsy and then rehomed this...
The most wonderful-est time of the year is finally here! For most families, this means planning the dinner menu, deciding on which family member is going to host the holiday dinner, or finalizing travel and sleeping arrangements. For those who...
I remember my childhood like it was yesterday. These memories are close to my heart and helped shape me into the parent I am today. I grew up in a two-parent home with two sisters and three brothers. The crazy...
Dear Friend, I read your status on social media the other day and you were overwhelmed juggling so many things - motherhood, work, wife, friend - and felt like you were failing at all of them. The first thing I wanted to do...
Once upon a time, I was a woman in her twenties who knew exactly what she wanted out of life. I had a solid career path, enjoyed success, and defined myself first and foremost by the job I spent...
In honor of MLK Day, another mom on this blog wrote a piece titled Why I Don't Talk To My Black Kids About Martin Luther King. She states she doesn't want to teach them about his life because she...
If you had asked me in my early twenties whether or not I would have children, my answer would have been, "I have no idea." I certainly wasn't opposed to the idea, but having children was never on my...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids