Ditching the paci can be extremely challenging, and even a source of dread for the months leading up to it. There are hundreds of ideas being pushed by pediatricians, dentists, parents, psychologists, and other childcare professionals. However, there is...
While you’ve probably heard the term “gentle parenting” much more in recent years, there are countless misconceptions about what this parenting approach entails. It goes by several names (including conscious parenting, respectful parenting, peaceful parenting, and authoritative parenting) but...
In less than a week, I will have a high school graduate. I remember vividly bringing her home from the hospital, and experiencing that overwhelming high that only love in its most pure form can produce. "It goes by in...
You may have heard of Attachment Parenting. It made a big splash a few years ago, notably on a Time magazine cover "Are You Mom Enough?" with a mom breastfeeding her three-year-old pictured.  I'll admit, I'm became an attachment parent...
I’m having a little, mini pandemic self-pity party for myself. This lockdown has been long. And let me first say that my situation is so much better than so many people’s. I know that, and I’m incredibly grateful and we’re...
Fall is officially upon us and I am excited! It’s my favorite season! I love the sweet and spicy aromas, the gradual departure of overbearing heat, and watching the foliage outside my window turn golden and scarlet. Fall is...
When my boys were toddlers, they'd eat whatever I put in front of them. Fruit, vegetables, meats, pasta ... it didn't matter what it was, they'd eat it. And boy was I glad for that! But somewhere along the way,...
Many parents have decided to temporarily or permanently become stay-at-home parents due to the pandemic. This decision for many has been motivated by health safety, financial concerns, and/or childcare shortages. Some moms that I've spoken with feel a calling...
The world today is so different from when we were children. I always tell people I don't know if my mom sheltered us or things have changed so drastically.  I remember growing up playing outside with my siblings every day....
October in Columbia is full of fun – from pumpkin patches to hayrides, Halloween events, storytimes, art activities, outdoor events, and more! Get out your calendars and make a note of all there is to do. Don’t forget to check...
It is my oldest daughter’s senior year in high school. We’re inching towards the end of it. What we’ve all been working for is happening. And I find myself staring at her a lot lately. Well... if I'm going...
What is the one thing you want from those who say that they love you? My answer to that question would have to be SUPPORT! My daughter is on a High Competing Step Team which consists of many practices and competition...
Everyone tells you about the "terrible twos." If you're lucky, you'll even get warned about "threenagers." And we all know the teenage years can be challenging. But, no one warned me about nine. Who would have thought that a...
To cap off 2020 and ring in the new year, we wanted to share our top 10 most-read articles from this year. They are stories of motherhood, daily life in the midst of a pandemic, real experiences, and making...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids