Before you had kids, were there things you swore you would never do once you became a mother? You’re not alone! In our series “I Never Thought I’d Become THAT Mom,” we’re sharing our “can’t believe” moments as we...
Before you had kids, were there things you swore you would never do once you became a mother? You’re not alone! In our series “I Never Thought I’d Become THAT Mom,” we’re sharing our “can’t believe” moments as we...
If you had asked me in my early twenties whether or not I would have children, my answer would have been, "I have no idea." I certainly wasn't opposed to the idea, but having children was never on my...
It happened! You survived labor and delivery. You ate at least three questionable meals at the hospital. You didn't break your significant other's hand (or maybe you did). You birthed a baby. Congratulations! Right now you are riding on a...
I told you recently about my adventures in taking out artificial coloring from my middle son's diet. There's been another another benefit after taking out the crap: I can finally take him to the library. Before, when I would take...
When my daughter was born in 2012, I was told I would be unable to breastfeed due to a medication I was on. I didn't even attempt to try nursing at that time. I later learned that the medication...
As parents, particularly as mothers, there are many issues we discuss and debate ... whether or not to stay at home or go back to work, breast or bottle, how long a baby should keep a pacifier (if they...
Circumcision is not a topic that many people openly discuss. It hits the three major "no-no" categories of polite conversation: sex, religion and politics. When I learned I was pregnant in August of 2013, I knew that this baby growing...
Someone posed a question to single moms the other day asking, "How do you do it?" My answer was, "What choice do you have?" It's the truth. You just do it. Most of you, if you're familiar with my writing,...
With school out for summer, children are out and about enjoying some much-needed sunshine and play. As a parent, you probably have many rules in place for how to keep your kids safe when they leave the house. You tell...
We are expanding our team of regular writers! We’re looking for local moms in Columbia and the surrounding areas who are passionate about our community and love to share stories and wisdom with others. This is a volunteer position (with some fun perks...
I'm sure most of us have seen at least one heartbreaking article this summer about a child dying after being left in a hot car. It happened 44 times in 2013 and sadly, 2014 is moving forward at the same pace....
The basics of parenthood are pretty cut and dried: Feed your kids. Clothe them. Teach them. Get them medical attention when they're sick. But beyond those basic survival instincts, each parent is different. We all have different philosophies, whether toward parenting...
If you’ve thought about attending a local La Leche League meeting but don’t know where to go or what to expect, we hope this post will answer your questions. Now that we’ve added a downtown evening location, this is...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids