When I sat down to write about how I became a mother, I didn't think I would have much to offer. I thought I felt this way because I was one of the lucky ones who had easy pregnancies...
Motherhood was always something I wanted for myself. I used to joke that I wanted kids and not necessarily a husband. It was more important to me to find someone who would make a great father than a great...
Columbia SC Moms Blog is bringing you its latest series titled “How I Became a Mother” in honor of Mother’s Day. Each of us has experienced a unique journey into motherhood. Some of us have struggled with infertility while...
Columbia SC Moms Blog is bringing you its latest series titled “How I Became a Mother” in honor of Mother’s Day. Each of us has experienced a unique journey into motherhood. Some of us have struggled with infertility while...
Yesterday, Stephanie wrote about her daughter London's infancy and diagnosis at 4 months with cystic fibrosis. Today, she shares what it's like caring for not one, but two children with cystic fibrosis.  When your child is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis...
May is Cystic Fibrosis Month, and by way of spreading awareness of this debilitating and serious illness, I would like to share my family's story of how two very strange words changed our lives. Cystic fibrosis (CF for short) is...
It is that time of year again ... time for the TEST! Students all across South Carolina are preparing to take the SCPASS, our state’s standardized assessment. They have worked hard all year, and now it is time for...
The baby books tell you normally developing kids progress in a steady forward fashion - smile at 6 weeks, roll over at 4 months, babble at 9 months, walk by one year. The babies gracing the covers of these books are...
When I was pregnant with my first son, people asked, "Is it a girl?" When I was pregnant with my second son, they said, "You want a girl, right?" When I was pregnant with my third son, they said, "Oh wow,...

In The Blink of An Eye

I'm sure you've all heard it at some point or another: "They grow up so fast!" "Enjoy them while you can!" "Don't blink! They'll be grown!" I remember almost rolling my eyes when I'd hear this from so many well-meaning people as I...

Why Babywear?

I admit it: “babywearing” is a ridiculous term. You can thank Dr. Sears for the awkward portmanteau, which basically means “strapping your kid to yourself so you have free hands,” but makes your baby sound like a trendy pair...
So, since discovering the Columbia SC Moms Blog, you've found lots of great content, a mix of local events and diverse mamas sharing their experiences in the capital of South Carolina. But since we only publish once a day...
Go back to third grade. You remember those multiplication drills, right? Timed: 100 problems in 10 minutes. Then 7 minutes. Then 4 minutes. Rows of ten, front and back, purple print still smelling of ditto ink. You are seven...
Dear Moms, I know at times you grow weary with all of the diaper changes, feedings, and sleepless nights. I truly do understand. I was there, too! But, I have good news! This, too, shall pass! Moms, your work is not going...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids