In my younger years, I spent my summers as a camp counselor. The campers loved playing games at the waterfront, and everyone’s favorite was Greasy Watermelon. Imagine a game of football in the water where you and your teammates...
You've likely seen the stories and photographs about Free Mom Hugs. Moms and grandmas of all ages attend Pride events, such as Pride Parades, sport identifying t-shirts, and stand ready to embrace anyone needing a reminder that they are...
Do you remember your first period? Before my first one arrived, I remember voraciously reading and re-reading the classic "Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret," which, although it really meant to prepare its readers for what to expect,...
As we approach summertime, you may be thinking of warm weather, traveling, dips in the pool, and potty training. Wait. Potty training?! Yep! Believe it or not, summer is a popular season to make the big switch. So much...
We're so conditioned to compare our own bodies that we don't blink an eye when that same societal pressure is placed on our children, as early as their first pediatrician appointment. We wear their percentile ranking like a badge of...
Mother's Day can be tough to celebrate when you are the parent of small children; children not old enough to know what Mother's Day is, or to do anything without the help of another adult to let mom know...
My son and I have this thing where we say “I love you” in sign language, and then flip it around to make the Spider-Man “thwip” hand. Sometimes he’ll kiss his palm and shoot it to me like he’s...
We had been trying to have a baby for a year before my husband and I encountered the medical diagnosis "infertility." The first time I saw that scribbled on the bottom of a fee sheet, I just about crumpled...
I struggled to become pregnant. I fought to stay pregnant. I fought hard for her.  After numerous ultrasounds and weeks on bed rest, I gave birth to a perfect baby girl. In that hospital room, I whispered to her that...
The first time I saw my baby he was only a tiny bundle wrapped in wires inside a plastic box, face obscured by a breathing mask and bathed in purple light. I cried. It looked like something out of...
A common injury that can occur among new mothers, known as De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, is a painful condition in the wrist(s) caused by tendons in the thumbs. Unusual repetitive positions and movements (such as holding and feeding a baby)...
Middle school.  It's a big step in the life of a child. They are moving from that young elementary kid to a pre-teen, discovering who they are, living through puberty, making friends, and beginning to date.  My son is about to...
"Mommy, I don't know what I'm supposed to do," my son said to me. "I know you don't, but you signed up for this tournament and I expect that you will follow through," I replied. There, I had an important decision:...

Pride and Autism

When my son turned two, our pediatrician first mentioned Autism. We had been keeping an eye on my son’s speech, knowing he was delayed. He was never non-verbal, but also not where he should have been. Cal is our...

In + Around Columbia