Let me preface this by saying I have never actually considered myself cool prior to having children or making the pilgrimage to Disney World, but after returning from the "The Happiest Place on Earth" recently, I know beyond a shadow...
When I go on vacation, I try my hardest to pack as lightly as possible. Try is the operative word here. I tend to go light on things like underwear (I have been known to forget them entirely) and heavy on...
We are in the middle of building a new home, and while we hoped to be able to move in shortly after Thanksgiving, it's looking like we will actually close and move in right over Christmas. As you can...
South Carolina boasts 47 state parks and with the capital city being smack in the middle of the state, every one of them could be a day trip. When we polled our readers, we found Oconee and Edisto to be among...
I have been humming “Jamaica, Bahamas, come on pretty mama…” for weeks now. Y’all, my husband and I are taking a vacation to Jamaica and we are not bringing our daughter along. I cannot wait to spend six days in...
My best friend lives halfway across the country and getting together is vital to both our sanities. So what do we do when meeting over coffee won't work? We prioritize weekends away. Some folks say, "I could never do...
Asking for help isn't easy, but sometimes, not having help is harder - too hard. And for that reason, we as parents soon learn that we have to learn a new skill: asking for help. In our culture, we seem...
It's summer again, which means parks, playgrounds, pools and splash pads. But when the heat is too hot to beat, we suggest heading indoors to check out some local museums. The Midlands has a bounty of history and learning to...
Girls Weekend. It is a tradition I have kept for many years and it has kept me sane, no doubt about it. Here's why.... I need the time to relax, reflect and renew my sense of self. My girlfriends don’t "want" anything from...
When I had my first child, I was surprised what a letdown Christmas was. Granted, at his first Christmas he was only 6 weeks old, so you can't expect much more than him laying there in a holiday-themed outfit posed with gifts or smiling...
Wait... Why would you do that? I am no stranger to road trips. I come from a long line of "why fly when you can drive?"... so driving long distances in the car is nothing new to me. Road trips...

Saying Goodbye Again

We’re back to the inescapable heat of the United Arab Emirates where temperatures vary from 100-115 degrees Fahrenheit from dusk to dawn. We are back to camel crossings and the multiple daily sounds of calls to prayer. We back...
Summer is the time of year when many families go on vacation to the beach, go camping, explore Disney World, and visit family and friends out of town. It can be a very fun and relaxing time. But if...
Let's face it, the summertime heat in the Midlands is brutal. And while our famously hot city has no shortage of splash pads and water fun, the one thing our city is lacking is a really huge waterpark to...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids