100 {Mostly FREE} Boredom Busters


Are you tired of hearing, “I’M BORED?!” I know I am! Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to cure that boredom! So, here you go!

100 Boredom Busters For Your Family

Go to the library.

Read a magazine.

Cut up the magazine and make a collage.

If you have toddlers, create a pouring station with water and various sizes of cups, spoons, and bowls.

Set up a tent inside and go camping.

Set up a tent outside and go camping in the backyard.

Go to a pet shelter and volunteer to pet and walk the dogs.

Go to a park.

Do some mall walking at the mall.

Browse a bookstore.

Go to a Farmers Market.

Visit a splash pad.

Arrange a play date.

Find a friend with a pool or a pool membership.

Bake something.

Boredom Busters

Host a movie night.

Make slime.

Paint with food coloring.



Host a dance party.

Have a pillow fight.

Go to the zoo.

Play with puzzles.

Make shapes with play dough.

Go on a nature walk to collect rocks and sticks.

Go on a nature walk and listen for birds.

Go to the museum.

Make some ice cream.

Have a puppet show.


Play with blocks or LEGOS.

Do some yoga.

Play board games.

Play dress up.

Host a tea party.

Play in a fountain.

Go on a short road trip.

Make a movie on your phone.

Take selfies using Snapchat filters.

Create with cardboard boxes.

Create with coffee filters.

Fill spray bottles with water.

Play in puddles after it rains.

Play in the sprinkler.

Go bowling.

Plant a garden.

Go to the movies.

Check out free samples at Costco.

Have a water balloon fight.

Find a festival to visit. 

Make a stop motion animation movie with your phone.

Make a comic book.

Go on a picnic.

Visit a pet store to look at fish and other small animals.

At night, go outside and look at the stars.

Go to the lake.

Play with Elmer’s school glue (make shapes, add glitter, let dry).

Play school.

Cut up catalogs and make cards (or start on the Christmas list).

Do some origami.

Take a day trip to visit grandparents or close family friends who aren’t local.

Take a day trip to a new to you place! We are so lucky to live a short drive to many awesome places in SC!

Make root beer floats.

Taste new foods.

Do a blind fold taste test (can your kids guess what they are eating?).

Sing karaoke.

Try a reading challenge (Pinterest has tons).

Go on a scavenger hunt (again…Pinterest!).

Have a “spa” day.

Play dress up.

Toss a ball.

Use masking tape on the floor to create obstacle courses and mazes for toy cars.

Make smoothies.

Practice writing letters in shaving cream, sand or finger paint.

Make a fairy garden.

Make a terrarium.

Make musical instruments out of recycled objects.

Set up a lemonade stand.

Clean out toys and take them to Goodwill.

Write a hand written letter to a family member or a friend.

Volunteer at an assisted living facility.

Host a neighborhood toy swap.

Host a neighborhood book swap.

Have a dance off.

Play with Shrinky Dinks.

Make edible play-dough.

Build a treehouse.

Pick up trash around your neighborhood.

Binge watch something your kids want to watch.

Make banana splits.

Play Minecraft.

Introduce your kids to classic television like I Love Lucy and Blondie.

Celebrate a holiday from a different culture.

Play Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Make birdfeeders.

Paint rocks to hide around the city.

Fly a kite.

Go outside and find shapes in the clouds.

Go fishing.

Brainstorm your own list of things to do! 

What are your favorite boredom busters?

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Valerie Byrd-Fort
Valerie Byrd Fort was born in Florida, but when she was four years old, her family moved to the midlands and never looked back. She is mom to Katy (human) and to Lucky, Mozzy, and Penny (rescue dogs). She is married to Marty Fort, owner of the Lexington School of Music, Columbia Arts Academy, and Irmo Music Academy. She is an Instructor for the School of Library & Information Science at the University of South Carolina, where she teaches Children’s Literature to future classroom teachers and librarians. She is also Coordinator for Cocky's Reading Express, the University of South Carolina's literacy outreach program. Valerie is passionate about books, literacy, libraries, and reading aloud with children of ALL ages. She writes about books and other literacy related topics on her blog, Library Goddess. In her free time, Valerie enjoys reading, Barre3, going to Target and endless scrolling of social media  


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