A Letter to my Future Daughter-in-Law

Photo: Paige Phillips Photography & Design

To my Future Daughter-in-Law,

You are probably off doing something adorable. Maybe rolling down a hill in a cute little dress. 

I never had a daughter and I am looking forward to the moment you become part of the family. You are already so dear to me and I will be whatever role in your life you would like me to be. Right now I am trying to raise my son and keep him healthy and happy. One day that will include you. One day I will be there for you whenever you need me. To me you will be part of our family in every way. 

I am watching my son grow and one day he will become the man you fall in love with. I hope by then I have embedded deep values and morals that will allow you to have a successful and happy marriage.

May he respect you, lift you up, dry your tears, and support your dreams. May he always see how strong you are even in your weakest moments. May he test you and help you grow as a person. Of course he will not be perfect but I know that you will help him be the best human being he can be. 

I hope you in turn test him. Push him. Lift him up when he is down. Be his rock when he needs strength. Give him a run for his money. Laugh with him. Cry with him. 

May you both believe in each other and fuel each other’s dreams. May you be patient and present with one another. 

If having children is something the two of you choose then may you always take time for one another. They say you want to have something left after your children are out of the house. May you find the balance between being parents and being yourselves. That line can be hard to find at times. 

When things get hard don’t be afraid to express yourself to my son. It is OK to hurt, to fight, to have moments of weakness and fear. May you work through those times with grace and allow each other to make mistakes. 

Marriage is wonderful and complicated. May you both enjoy the ups and downs together with compassion. 

I know your parents are off raising you the best way they know how, probably putting your hair in cute little braids and wiping boogers off your face. They are probably hoping they raise you to be smart, funny, passionate and kind. I doubt they are thinking about their future son-in-law because they are most likely forbidding you to date until you are 30, but that is okay. I dont blame them one bit. 

Just know that when the time comes I will be here for you always, regardless of how things are going with my son. You will be my daughter-in-law and I will support you any way I can. 

So play, get dirty, learn, enjoy your childhood, try not to give your parents too hard of time (they are just trying to protect you after all) and I look forward to the day when I get to meet you. Until then I will be wiping his boogers off of his face, his tears, and any other mess that lands on his face while trying to teach him how to be a good man so that he deserves you. 

Until we meet one day. 


Future Mother-in-Law


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Paige Phillips
Born and raised in Columbia, Paige runs a photography and graphic design business from home while raising two young boys with her husband, Stephen. Most days you will find her juggling between her boys, cooking, finding time to read a book, editing a photo, or enjoying a conversation with her friends. A graduate from the University of South Carolina in 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art Studio, Paige finds creative ways to use her talents to take her career to the next level in-between building forts, nap times, and tears. She enjoys exchanging stories about the day to day joy and challenges of motherhood. Ashton (4yo) and Boone (18mo) keep her busy but Paige always finds ways to make the most of this mom life.


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