Did you cloth diaper your baby? Are you strictly a disposable diaper type of mama? Regardless of your decisions, it doesn't make your choices better than another parent's. In an attempt to end the "mommy wars" that are all...
We can’t all live in the waxed-mustache capital of the Confederacy (looking at you, Richmond) or the chest-tattoo mecca of the South (ditto, Charleston). Someone has to maintain an air of affected awesomeness out here in the fashion boondocks....
Every February in the United States, Black History month is celebrated. As I reflect on the importance of recognizing the people and events that made an impact on our society, I can't help bur think of Dr. Martin Luther...
Thank goodness babies get teeth when they are small. And thank goodness babies don't whine quite like they do once they become toddlers and start talking. Because it must be absolutely MISERABLE for those pearly whites to make their...
When I gave birth to Lucie, the nurses in the hospital referred to us as Mr. & Mrs. Hoarder. We weren't sure what we would need, so we brought everything (except the kitchen sink). Looking back, I realize how ridiculous...

What Normal Looks Like

"Oh, I can’t have you over," other moms always say. "My house is a mess." I arrive for a play date and as soon as I come in the door, I’m told, "Don’t judge me, the house is a...
While I was pregnant with my daughter, I realized I was not like all the other pregnant ladies who came into the office. Because I was over the age of 35 (I was 37 when she was born), I...
Within the past two weeks, two of my friends shared the news they are expecting. For one friend, it's her first. The other friend, it's her second. Me, I have three (which gives me a great deal of knowledge...
Along with being a mother and a wife, I am also an artist. Along with being an artist, I am also a thrift shopper enthusiast. I have combined my love of saving money and painting by seeking out bargain...
Traveling with little ones can be quite a challenge. They don't like to sit still for long periods of time, they have tiny tummies, they make big messes, and they can only entertain themselves for so long. Over the past...
Can you smell that old familiar scent? Spring is in the air! "Spring?! Are you nuts, Kristi? It was snowing last week!!" I know, I know, I know, it seems like spring is a long way off right now. The days...
I began using infant massage on my oldest daughter, Joce, long before it was the mainstream thing to do. She always had a very finicky stomach and was put on a medicinal regimen at two weeks old for severe...
As a parent, it is often difficult to find the time to fit an exercise routine into your life. However, participating in a regular fitness routine can help you have more energy, release stress and tension, make you feel...
This is Part 2 in the "Homeschool...How?" Series There are so many educational philosophies and homeschool methods and curriculum out there it is easy to become overwhelmed when deciding how to homeschool your children. I am researching several methods and...

In + Around Columbia

Mother’s Day in Columbia: 4 Ways to Make Mom Feel Special!

Mother's Day in Columbia and beyond is quickly approaching. Are you ready?! I can't help but look back on my own mother and all the...