Bathing suits. Did you just shudder? Crazy how one word instills fear in your heart; fear of going shopping for a bathing suit or fear of wearing a bathing suit in public. Or maybe all of the above?  Since so many...
As a mom, I have found there are many mornings when I am functioning on far less than the desirable eight hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep. Whether I have been up all night with a sick toddler or a...
I've had a lot of body image problems the past 15 years. During the time I was not being treated for my growth hormone deficiency, I put on 80 pounds and my muscles atrophied. I tried to lose weight, but...
Dressing our kids is easy. Well, the task is not necessarily easy, but the clothing out there for our energetic munchkins is cute, functional, and the options are endless. So why does it always seem so hard for us Mommas to dress...
  As a makeup artist, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is not about makeup at all, but rather skincare. Facial moisturizer to be specific and whether or not it is necessary to wear on a daily...
I recently took a couple of days off of work. While I was going through my to-do list one of those days, "find a swimsuit" was listed. I'm pretty sure I sighed heavily at the thought of having to...
Columbia SC Moms Blog is honored to partner with Lundy's Boutique to bring our readers the following post. All opinions are our own. Introducing an easy way to shop for the latest fashions! Shop local, save big, and win a $100 gift certificate! Lundy's Boutique, based...
Every once in a while moms need to take a time out. For me, I've found that my quiet time sometimes comes in the few hours I get at the salon to get my hair cut and colored. If you're...
Fall is all around us, and I can't help but smile at the thought.  Summer is by far my favorite season. I mean...two words: the beach! But, I would say that fall is definitely my second favorite season. I love...
Since becoming a mom my self-care game and beauty regimen got put on a back burner for a little while. Now that my daughter is getting a little older and more independent, I have decided to re-invest some time...
As moms we are always on the go. Always. Whether you work full time, are a stay-at-home mom, or a work-from-home mom, there is always somewhere to be, something to do, and a need to rush out of the house....

Barcode Blues

I. Hate. Shopping. There, I said it. Out loud. For Jimmy Choo to hear. The notion of personal fashion and process of finding clothes that fit for an affordable price sends my blood pressure up at least 50 points, and that’s...
Let me set the all too familiar scene: Your alarm goes off. You’ve had two consecutive hours of sleep since your baby was last rooting around to nurse, your teething toddler’s molar erupted, you finally finished your presentation for...
Unfortunately, most of us were teased at school, by a family member or a friend for something. No one's body or appearance is perfect. Whether this was done in jest or just plain meanness - it hurts. It takes...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids