Talking to our kids about tragedy is hard. How do we bring it up? Should we bring it up? How do we make sure they know they're safe? As a former teacher, I have a little bit of experience in...
One of the benefits of working in education is that not only do you get January 1 to start a “new year” but you also get the start of a new academic year. My goal going into this academic...
Can you believe it is already August? You know what that means, don't you? It's back-to-school time! And if you're a mom like me, you're probably doing a little happy dance right now just thinking about it.  I remember when...
When our family began making plans to homeschool over five years ago, my first concern was how to do it legally. I had taught in the public school system for more than a decade and had no desire to...
If you haven’t been introduced to the book, Girl, Wash Your Face, written by Ms. Rachel Hollis, please allow me. I read this book in April of this year at a time when I was feeling mommed-out. (Only moms...
Whether you're new to the state or been here for years, here are some picture books you can share with your kids to teach them more about where they live!  Everyday Books Night-Night South Carolina  by Katherine Sully This book highlights some of...
For most children, summertime is a welcomed reprieve. It's a time for pools, splash pads, parks, barbeques, and summer vacations! With all that excitement the last thing children may want to think about is summer learning. But, summer learning doesn't have...
It's 10,000 degrees outside in Columbia right now, which makes it the PERFECT time to log some quality time at the library, or cuddle up with some iced tea and a stack of great books at home! While we...
Once upon a time my mother would read to us every night. We would go from book to book and explore each experience and the feelings they created within us. We read everything from the hilarious Amelia Bedelia, tongue...
To be blunt, it’s all a matter of words. So we should have been just fine; we’re both lovers of the written language. We even watched a full Great Courses lecture series on linguistics and discussed together how the...
As you may know if you follow my writing on this blog, I am in my fifth year as a homeschool mom. I have some friends whose children attend Ben Lippen or another private school in our area. I...
New moms get loads of advice, whether they ask for it or not! Personally, I'm not a fan of unsolicited advice, but IF asked, I do like to recommend books.  Many people are split on whether reading books before having...
It is a BRAND NEW YEAR and if you are like just about everyone else (including me), you have some New Year's Resolutions that you are trying out for 2018. It always helps me to have a guide or...
Counting down to Christmas is almost as much fun as the holiday itself. Do a search on Pinterest and you can quickly become overwhelmed with all of the different advent calendars and ideas for counting down the days -...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids