No one can say they've gone through life without some sort of traumatic experience. We have each encountered losses and hurts, done intentionally or unintentionally, the result of living among imperfect people in an imperfect world. Our children are,...
May is mental health awareness month, so I'd like to take the time to chat a little about why this month is so important.  In our society, people have sympathy for patients suffering from physical ailments like cancer, diabetes, tumors...
I had severe preeclampsia with my son. It resulted in an emergency c-section, and my son being transferred by ambulance to a higher level NICU at a different hospital than I was at, for breathing issues. I didn’t even...
All I have ever wanted was to be a mother. It's always been my greatest dream. I would never expect every woman to feel the way I do about motherhood, and every woman has a right to determine whether...
My hair started falling out by the fistful when my youngest was about eight months old. This wasn't the usual postpartum hair loss. That had already come and gone. And because it had happened two times before, I recognized...
January is National Blood Donor Month. Per the Red Cross, "January marks the 52nd anniversary of National Blood Donor Month – a time to recognize the importance of giving blood and platelets while celebrating the lifesaving impact of those who roll...
February is American Heart Month. This month, women are encouraged to focus on our cardiovascular health and wellbeing. But it also provides a good opportunity for the whole family to focus on heart healthy habits.   What is heart disease?  Heart disease...
I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Being a mom to a little one is STRESSFUL. Flu season KILLS me. Hurricane season WRECKS me. Election season is the WORST. COVID-19? I cannot even. I am on high alert right now, as we all...
Two weeks ago I was privileged enough to receive my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Due to the nature of my job, I was placed in the late phase 1A group per the SC DHEC vaccine distribution plan,...
I didn't know I was a crunchy mom until I had my first baby, and somehow breastfeeding and babywearing led me down a cloth diaper path, and before I knew it, that was just part of my identity. I...
Before I was pregnant, I heard of postpartum anxiety and depression (PPA/PPD), but I never thought they would affect me. I had never had mental issues like that. However, my daughter's birth came in a traumatic way. It was not...
In this era, we can’t go a week without hearing about COVID, and those of us parents with younger kids can’t seem to go that long without malady getting into our home. In this season of seemingly ceaseless sickness,...
This is part two of my weight loss journey. You can find part one here. My big caveat that goes with this series is that, like any medical decision, this is a highly individual one. There is no one-size-fits-all solution...

I Am Not OK

I am not OK. I feel like I am completely and utterly unraveling. And it turns out that’s perfectly normal in these “unprecedented times.”  How are you? It feels rougher right now, doesn’t it? We are not alone. My kids are older, and the...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Museum of Art Offers Free Summer Admission to South Carolinians

The Columbia Museum of Art has been selected to participate in Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program, a transformative, three-year funding initiative aimed...