I recently attended a talk by Lighthouse for Life, a non-profit group that raises awareness about human trafficking with my college students. I figured it was a good thing to talk about with them, but it is hard to think...
"Bug, go get dressed. Your ride will be here in ten minutes." This is probably already the 18th time I have told him to get dressed. "Bug, go into your room and put on your clothes. Come on Buddy." I'm not...
2016 was an incredible third year for the Columbia SC Moms Blog! We are so thankful to all you, our readers, who were right there with us as we shared stories about our families, highlighted all the fun things to...
It never fails. My son doesn't get sick that often, but when he does it's always on the weekend or in the middle of the night. I'm left asking myself, "Can it wait until Monday?" "Should I wait a...
Weight. “That’s a heavy subject.” Sorry – I couldn’t resist the bad joke. It’s what I do when I’m not sure what to do. I have always struggled with my weight. I was overweight as a child and didn’t exercise,...
Columbia SC Moms Blog is honored to partner with Bodyshop Athletics X to bring our readers the following post. All opinions are entirely our own. I decided to get my FIRST EVER gym membership last year. I needed cardio in my...
This year has been the year of unexpected twists, turns, and chaos. Every month seems to bring a new challenge to add to the long list of reasons we are all done with 2020 and ready to close this...
This year, I made the transition to a stay-at-home mom (SAHM). This is HARD. Being a mom is hard (actually, being a human is hard), but staying home all day is a whole new level of difficult. You are...
What is a disabled parent? I interviewed many people - from wheelchair bound, to blind, to chronically ill, to mentally ill, to terminally ill - and do you know what I found? I found NO disabled parents in Columbia, South...
October means it's breast cancer awareness month and with that comes a lump in my throat, a general sense of irritability and an avoidance to things pink. Because, like many women, I'm aware of breast cancer ... well aware...
  Though it seems like a great mini-vacay before the baby arrives, bed rest is actually harder than you would expect. I spent three weeks on bed rest before my son was born in March 2012. This meant I had to...
I read an article recently in Real Simple magazine about women's clothing sizes. And the gist of the whole article was how sizes have changed over the years: why, how, by whom, etc. What was most interesting to me, eye-catching...
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." These are the words I heard singing from the other...
I first met Angela Yong Sellers, owner and creator of Fit Columbia, about a year ago at an aerial silk yoga session with some of my leadership friends. Wait... a what? Yes, an aerial yoga session! Have you ever...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids