Caitlyn Viviano
A Letter to My Middle Child
Sometimes it’s hard to be sandwiched in between two siblings who both require a lot of time and attention in completely different ways.
The oldest needing to be out the door at the crack of...
The Lies We Are Told About Potty Training
I am about to begin potty training my third child, and this time around I feel more confident having successfully potty trained two children already. However, I have learned throughout the years that potty...
Celebrating and Recognizing the Struggles of Military Children
It is no secret that military men and women sacrifice a tremendous amount for our country and our freedom. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard, and the Space Force all have...
What Love REALLY Means
My daughter loves Valentine's Day. She loves choosing the perfect cards to hand out to her classmates. She loves watching the special Valentine's Day episodes of her favorite shows. She loves baking Valentine's Day...
A Word for 2021
I have heard a lot of talk about choosing a word for the New Year instead of a traditional resolution. This word can help create a mantra for the year.
The more I thought about...
5 Ways to Get Into the Christmas Spirit
After this stressful year, I want to make the holiday season extra magical for my children. Here is how I plan to get into the Christmas spirit without losing my sanity.
Light Shows!
We are so...
The Thankful Jar
You've heard it said before, “Always be grateful for what you have.”
This year I have found myself needing to be very intentional when it comes to gratitude and thankfulness. I know despite a global...
How To Help Your Children Navigate These Uncertain Times
This year has been the year of unexpected twists, turns, and chaos. Every month seems to bring a new challenge to add to the long list of reasons we are all done with 2020...
Tips for Pumping Success
Yesterday I found myself in the dairy section of the grocery store admiring all the milk and milk alternatives available. My third child turns one next week and we will slowly begin the transition...
The Last Month of Babyhood
There’s no denying my love for babies; their sweet smell, chubby cheeks, chunky thighs, and adorable babbling. The way their face lights up when they see a parent. The way they snuggle on your...
The Joy a Middle Child Brings
Sometimes it’s hard to be sandwiched in between two siblings who both require a significant amount of time and attention in completely different ways.
During a normal school year, the oldest needs to be out...
Siblings in Quarantine
We can all agree there is a lot of stress, emotions, and frustrations surrounding this COVID-19 virus and quarantine. The loss of jobs, distance learning, working from home while trying to parent small children; it...
A Thank You to Our Teachers
During these uncertain and difficult times, we all have fears and concerns racing through our minds on a daily basis. How long will this quarantine last? Will my family members get sick? Are my...
Our Cranial Helmet Journey
When my third child, Levi, was born, I pretty much knew what to expect during the newborn stage. I was no rookie at this point and was all too familiar with engorgement, sleepless nights,...