Facing the Empty Nest

I have been whining about my daughter going off to college for six months now. But maybe, just maybe, there is a little part of me that might be okay with it. Don’t judge, please. I love being a mother, every...
I was pleased when I heard about Target's decision to reorganize their toy and bedding sections to be more logical. However, despite my reaction, it hardly made a blip on my radar. A momentary "good for them." Beyond that, it didn't...
As a woman prepares for motherhood, the one thing she hears with as much consistency as her child fills his diaper 1.2 nanoseconds after a new one has been put on is "having a child will change your life." Truer...
Even before my first child was born I had a vision of the kind of parent I wanted to be... I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. A domestic goddess. A homemaker. A homeschooler. I would quit my job and...
When I was 11 we moved into a new house. Our house seemed like heaven on earth. There were friendly neighbors, lots of kids and a backyard pool. It was the best summer ever because we swam, played and...
3 weeks. 21 days. That's about as much as we have left of summer vacation. I often wonder how time flies when you are a parent. It's unfair, almost cruel. I want to just STOP the days from passing so I...
My son and I recently attended our first Lexington County Blowfish Baseball game a few weeks ago. Up until last year, the games were played in downtown Columbia, but in 2014 they moved to the brand new Lexington County...
As parents, we all strive to provide our children with a good life and a happy childhood. We may use different methods and may have different means, but a caring parent invests into the overall well-being of their child. Don't...
For my oldest daughter's 9th birthday party, she had a sleepover where her friends brought their dolls. They made doll-sized fleece sleeping bags and had a doll fashion show. When it was nearing bedtime, I asked the girls if...
Maybe that title seems strange to you. In this day and age, why would you not choose to send your child to preschool? After all, most children do attend at least one year, and there is a lot of information...
After having two children, my husband, Shawn, and I debated whether or not to have a third baby. For a few years, it wasn’t an option. After all, my son, Atticus, and daughter, Amelia, were only nineteen months apart, and...
As I kid, there were just certain things I knew my siblings and I could say or do that would make my mom angry. If we asked her a long, drawn-out list of questions before her second cup of...

Mom By Default

Sometimes I wonder if I'm only a stay-at-home mom by default. Because I failed at everything else. I don't really recall ever wanting to do anything other than sing and write, and I've never really had the courage to pursue my...
Attachment. Free Range. Permissive. Modern. Old-School. Whether you appreciate labels or loathe them, we are all thrust into some category due to our parenting style. And whether you like it or not, someone is always going to disagree with how you parent. Sometimes (well most...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...