Cheryl Glantz Nail

Cheryl Glantz Nail
The new mom of a baby boy, Cheryl Glantz Nail started her blogging and freelance writing career in 2008. She has written articles for several blogs and websites, including 24/Savvy and Shortly after moving to Columbia, she turned her love of content writing and social media into a career in communications, currently serving as the Community Relations Director for a local non-profit. Prior to this career change, she enjoyed 10 years in education, both in the classroom and as a curriculum developer. When she isn't in front of her computer or wiping up baby drool, Cheryl can be found curled up with a young adult novel and a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream, looking at cats on Instagram, or attempting to be artsy. She blogs at Take a Second Glantz (, trolls Pinterest for recipes she'll probably never cook, and sleep tweets during late-night feedings.

Carve No More :: 3 Alternatives to Pumpkin Carving

Halloween is my favorite holiday, but when it comes to pumpkin carving, I’m a bit of a scrooge. I confess in this safe space of non-judgmental moms: I HATE pumpkin carving. There. I said...

How to Survive Endless Nights During the Dreaded Sleep Regression

When I was in college, all-nighters were easy. A diet cola, rock 'n' roll blaring through the headphones of my portable CD player, and a can of tuna fish with a jar of pickles...

July 4th Pinwheels & Fireworks :: Last-Minute Crafts for Independence Day

I greatly admire those friends of mine who are always prepared. You know the ones. They make school lunches the night (or week) before, they carry an extra set of clothes with them, and...

The End of Matzo Monotony :: 5 Dishes That Put a New Twist on...

  Ah, Passover. My mouth waters thinking about Seder dinner with matzo ball soup and brisket, followed by chocolate-covered matzo for dessert. That first Passover morning I can't wait to shove a forkful of matzo brie...

When Your Friends Say the Wrong Thing :: National Infertility Awareness Week

Most of us grow up hearing how easy it is to get pregnant. "It can happen your first time," we hear, and a lot of us know people for whom this is the case....

After the Easter Egg Hunt :: 3 Ways to Reuse Plastic Eggs

Anyone who has filled a basket with plastic Easter eggs knows that the colorful containers are only egg-citing when accompanied by the mystery of what's inside. Once the candy or toy has been discovered,...

Cousins Make the Best Friends :: National Cousins Day

When most people think of July holidays, Independence Day naturally comes to mind, but there's a lesser-known holiday that is very important to our family: July 24 is National Cousins Day. As I'm writing this...

I Don’t Love Every Minute of Motherhood

The other day I saw a friend for the first time since having my baby. After the obligatory congratulating and cooing, he asked, "So how's motherhood? Loving every minute of it?" For the past nine...

Navigating Father’s Day When Your Dad Has Passed Away

When you struggle with infertility, celebrations like Mother’s and Father’s Day can be difficult. During the five-plus years that we were trying to conceive, my husband and I avoided Facebook during holidays because it...

6 Rainy Day Activities to Keep Kids (and you) From Going Stir Crazy

Whether it's rain, a 1,000-year flood, a hurricane, the threat of snow, or just freezing temperatures, there are always days - sometimes weeks - when our little ones are stuck inside. Those days are the longest, aren't...
Tidying Up in Columbia :: Where to Donate Items that Don't Spark Joy | Columbia SC Moms Blog

Tidying Up in Columbia :: Where to Donate Items that Don’t Spark Joy

If your closets are looking a little barer, the clothing in your drawers are standing at attention, and you have bags of stuff to give away, chances are you've discovered the magic of tidying...

New Year, But No New You?

Long before the holiday decorations are put away and the ball in Times Square actually drops, we are bombarded by the pressure associated with January 1. Gyms, clothing stores, and food companies start pitching...
Spreading Light & Holiday Cheer :: Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs) Your Family Can Do for Free | Columbia SC Moms Blog

Spreading Light & Holiday Cheer :: Random Acts of Kindness (RAKs) Your Family Can...

You're in line at the drive-thru, fumbling with your wallet to find your debit card as you creep up to the window. When you throw your card (and whatever tissues and gum wrappers are...

Unexpected Forgiveness :: A Yom Kippur Reflection

In the weeks leading up to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement in the Jewish religion, we hear a LOT about asking forgiveness of people we have wronged. For me, that list seems to...