Good gracious, y’all. What a time it’s been, huh? A global pandemic that will. Just. Not. Quit. The politicizing of everything about that pandemic. Racial unrest like I’ve never seen in all my 50 years. Time to think about all...
Something unexpected happened this past Christmas. Between a trip to the zoo and going out to see Christmas lights, my eight-year-old started asking questions about her changing body. And I was unprepared. I had friends who made a big deal out...
My husband and I have been entrusted with the care and guidance of three beautiful, divine feminine souls. When our first daughter was born, we were only twenty-five and clueless about taking care of ourselves, much less a newborn....
I’ve just recently come to accept that holidays look a little different for our family. I think in years past I tried really hard to force a “normal” holiday experience but always came away discouraged. I wanted my child...
What is amazing about television and books, is how much we are able to see or read about other people's life experiences. It is a way to remove ourselves from what we know, our own long-held beliefs, and see...
The beeping sound from the coffee pot in the morning used to be a welcoming sound. Now, I find myself rushing over to turn it off before the sound goes off so as not to wake any sleeping children,...
We hear a lot about how social media can be toxic. But there are ways that social media can help too. At this time in particular, with physical distancing, many are struggling with feelings of isolation and depression. Social media...
The day that my kids were supposed to start school has come and gone. August is looking so far from normal that I can barely recognize it. I'm pretty sure my first grader doesn't notice. Although, to me, this...
Prior to having children, it did not dawn on me that I would need to parent any differently because of the color of my skin. I grew up pretty sheltered in the suburbs of New Jersey, Key West, and...
One of the most talked about struggles among my mama friends always seems to be centered around bedtime. Despite our best efforts, bedtime routines are often in flux. When you get past the "is this a sleep regression phase?"...
Here's a quick quiz for you. Do you avoid indoor dining? Do you race through grocery stores or opt for grocery delivery? Do you mask up to go indoors? Do you sanitize your hands after a public outing? Do...
There’s just something about those long summer days that make us want to stay up late and enjoy the sights and sounds of sweet summertime. Back-to-school time always brings along a little bit of anxious anticipation and excitement. Sometimes,...
I have had at least one toddler at my house for the past five years. Five years! That's a lot! Toddlerhood is the age comprised between one and three years old. And while I love all the wittiness, the innocence,...
A couple of weeks ago my family was relaxing at home, as we have been every day since March. I was working, my children were playing, and my husband was working on a new project.  As I was working I...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids