My 90-Day Journey Eating Vegan


Earlier this year, I challenged myself to adopt a vegan diet for a month. I joined Veganuary, an annual challenge that promotes and educates about veganism and encourages a vegan lifestyle for the month of January.

It wasn’t hard to start the challenge because my diet has been vegetarian for the last 14 years. However, I was interested in exploring the vegan lifestyle to see if no meat, no dairy, or any animal-derived products would have an impact on my mental and physical health.

During my experience, I kept a journal of what I ate and how I felt to reflect on my journey. Once the challenge ended in January, I continued my newly formed habits for 60 days because I enjoyed how I felt. Now that I have been vegan for 90 days, I want to share some of the details of my journey with you.

Establishing healthier eating habits

I ate more vegetables, carbs, and healthy fats and absolutely no animal products for Veganuary. I wasn’t sure how I would fare with giving up dairy. However, I enjoyed trying different recipes and getting creative in the kitchen. Grocery shopping took me to new aisles, and I enjoyed cooking outside my comfort zone.

I stayed away from processed foods and mock meat. Occasionally, I would have a plant-based burger or grounds, but mostly, I consumed whole foods. I’ve learned some essential things about what made me feel “good,” and dairy and processed food were not one of them.

Many of the tasty recipes are a regular part of my meals. I bumped up the plant-based protein in my diet – beans, lentils, tofu, and nuts to accommodate my exercise routines. I found a green juice, Farmer’s Juice, which helped me get in more vegetables and pulled me away from anything unhealthy. Some days, I felt like I had always eaten this way; others, I had to remind myself to read the labels.

My Social Life

I realized my dietary preference would limit some of my regularly frequented restaurants. During my experience, I visited several local vegan restaurants and learned that several restaurants have vegan menu options available. My family and friends were so accommodating with my diet. They would ask beforehand what I could eat and made specially prepared dishes for me for family gatherings. My carnivorous husband joined me at a pop-up vegan food truck, Southern Fried Vegan, where I enjoyed fried chickun dipped in fire sauce topped with nacho cheeze sauce and bakun ranch over a bed of slaw and pickles.

Clearer Skin

After three weeks on a vegan diet, my skin never looked better.! I’m unsure if it is the cruelty-free, gluten-free, vegan skin products or my dietary changes, but my skin has improved since going vegan. I also have hyperpigmentation that is going away.

Better digestion and no bloating

Through the years, I have explored many options to help alleviate my digestion issues. Even with the cleanest diet, I am usually bloated at the end of the day. So, I was extremely excited when I first noticed that I wasn’t bloated with a vegan diet, even when I ate legumes.

Weight loss and energy

Losing weight wasn’t a goal of mine during the “Veganuary Challenge,” but I was thrilled to jump off the scales eight pounds lighter…without even trying! I didn’t modify my portions or cut back on food in any way. You would expect to lose two to three pounds per week on a usual diet, so I thought this was a healthy weight loss. In addition to weight loss, my energy over the last 90 days has skyrocketed. I don’t feel sluggish during the day anymore.

What’s next?

I am a work in progress. One thing is for sure: I’m determined to take better care of myself after spending the last 90 days putting the right foods into my body. I was thrilled with the positive effects of eating vegan, so I have decided to stick to a predominantly vegan diet. The best part of the experiment has been trying different foods. I don’t know if this will be a permanent or temporary switch but, for now, I feel amazing.

Have you ever tried something you thought you would never try before? How did it go?

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Angie Taylor
Angie is a stepmother, pet mom, grandmother, and caregiver for her loving mother. She and her husband Marvin moved from Maryland to Columbia in 2020. She is a graduate of Talladega College (Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration) and Troy State University (Master of Business Administration). Working as a Senior Advisor with the Department of the Treasury, she’s grateful to have a career that allows her the flexibility to both work from home and in the office. She is a certified intermittent fasting and health coach who has a passion to inspire women and men to live their healthiest self. She is the founder of Commit 2B Healthy where she has spent years providing private nutrition counseling and group coaching programs. Beyond her private nutrition counseling and group coaching programs, she is a brand ambassador with Ultima Replenisher and a content creator with Shop Style Collective, the world’s largest fashion search engine. Angie enjoys cycling, reading, and self-care. Her latest passion is meditation, which she uses to unwind at the end of the day. She is eager to explore the city and share the experiences with the Columbia Mom community.


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