We Tried a Pinterest Craft! {4th of July Edition}


Here we are again, with an 4th of July craft inspired by Pinterest!

I have had this craft pinned on my boards for several years now. Repeatedly, like so many times before, I scan through my pins and think to myself, “Oh yeah! THAT’S why I pinned this! It looks awesome!” And then I continue to scroll and forget all about it. This series of ‘I tried it!’ crafts, is an effort to actually TRY some of those things I have pinned. So here we go!

Turns out, I had this same concept of craft idea pinned no less than half a dozen times and with just as many variations. I confess I didn’t read any of the directions and like my eyeliner, I decided to just kind of wing it and figure it out as we went along.

Trial and error can be nice sometimes, but you don’t want to have to make multiple trips to the craft store, so I guide you through the process in the paragraphs below. I just have to say we LOVED this project! It was incredibly easy and very fun. The kids are SO excited to bring these crafts to the events we have planned for this 4th of July !

We Tried a Pinterest Craft! {4th of July Edition}Ribbon Wands 

Public Service Announcement: Be prepared for your kids to make all kinds of WOOSHing and ZINGing sounds when they whip them around. They totally remind me of little stick people with funny hair, so I usually burst into an 80s rock song and make them headbang. Also, I may or may not have used them as a microphone. I blame the Moana soundtrack…

You will need:

  • wooden dowels
  • 3 or 4 ribbons of your preferred theme
  • eyelet screws
  • paint (optional) 

Step 1: Depending on where you get your wooden dowel, it may already be at your desired length. If not, cut them down to the size you prefer and, if you like, pant the dowel. My only note is that you don’t get a wooden rod that is too thin; it will be too weak to hold the eye screw and it won’t stand up the all of the waving and swirling!

4th of July craftscrews for 4th of July craft

Step 2: Once painted and dried, carefully screw the eyelet into one end of the dowel. They have a sharp point on them so you can push gently and twist it in. Depending on how full you want the wand to be, you can use any size eyelet you want, as long as it isn’t too big for the dowel. In haste, we cracked a few of our dowels, but turns out, the kids liked the extra festive flare of blue painter’s tape, so, problem solved. 

Adding ribbon for 4th of July craftthreading ribbon for 4th of July craft

Step 3: Now simply thread the lengths of ribbon threw the eye and knot them however works! We did this several different ways, depending on the kind of ribbon, but as long as it doesn’t fall out, you are good. We added as much as we would fit through the eye, but it all looks great, whether the ribbons are shorter or longer. 


That is it! Wave, swirl, and enjoy this 4th of July! Super fun and ridiculously easy. My kids had a blast and already have plans for making Halloween-themed ones with stickers on the dowels. The options are endless! 

Columbia-City-Moms-Blog-Pinterest-Craft-Independance-DayDo YOU make a themed 4th of July craft? What are your favorites?


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