Sarah Shuster
Finding the Right Childcare Center
As soon as I began announcing that I was expecting, one of the first statements I heard after, "Congratulations!" was, "You better start looking for a childcare center." I had no idea that some daycares...
I Still Need My Mom
I am a full-time working mom of a toddler. And that's just the beginning of things to describe me. I am a stepmom to two teenage girls, wife of a busy and active rugby...
For Better or Worse :: 5 Steps to Rediscovering Happily Ever After
As writers, we constantly share and put ourselves out there on this website, and always in the hope that we reach just one other person who can say, "Girl, yes!" With that in mind,...
Thank You, Next
Every few months I latch onto some Top 40 song that I become obsessed with even though it isn't at all relevant to my current life.
I haven't gone through a break-up in about a...
5 Children’s Books About All Kinds of Families
As my child reaches the age of "why" and "how" and all the other questions about everything he sees, we are having the most interesting conversations. His perception is surprising at times, and I'm...
Mommy Cried :: When Grownups Have Big Feelings
"Mommy cried," my 3-year-old tells my husband as soon as he gets home. He’s always telling on us to each other, so I knew it would come up.
"Mommy cried" is the most simple explanation...
The Customer is Always Right :: Toddler Edition
I work in public service and part of doing my job well is to maintain my professionalism and calm even in the midst of challenging situations.
As with anyone who lives and breathes in the...
What Teens Are Doing Right On Social Media
It is so difficult to be on social media and be a teen in the world today. The pressure to find just the right picture to post, to make sure nobody else posts something...
Confidence Looks Good On You
I bet you have had a week, or weeks, that are bleak. It seems like the world is crashing in, and when nothing else can go wrong … BOOM. It does. When it rains,...
A Letter to (my) Teen Daughters
Dear daughters,
I know you are no longer little girls with multiple ponytails and barrettes and carrying around your "lovey." But that is often what I still see. Glimpses of those little babies, but also so much...
Parenting Like My Parents
You know how your parents always used to say, “You’ll thank me when you’re older?” And it was usually right before or after they did something annoying, like lay down some silly rule about...
8 Ways to Take Control of Stress
I had a very exciting 2017. New job, new commute, new schedules, and new stuff to learn and do. It was super awesome.
It was also super stressful. Can I remind all you readers that...
Terrible, Terrific Twos
Terrible Twos. I've been dreading the moment when we would reach that time of inconsolable whining and unreasonable demands. The time everyone warned me about when mothering would consist of mostly just trying not...