Do you ever have those moments where you get hit with an epiphany about life? A moment where you feel blindsided by how your kids have grown, where they are in life, where you are in life, and all you...
With the new year in full swing, I’m sure you've heard the ads “sign up now for just a penny!" Pretty soon the message will change to “get bikini ready in 30 days!" Although these slogans do their best to...
My friends will tell you I’m a neat freak. My friends might be right. I was woefully unprepared for the deluge of paper that comes with children. T-shirt order form, ticket order form, homework, projects, therapy notes, doctors’ forms and...
I knew before I ever got pregnant that once I had a baby, life would never be the same. What I did not anticipate was the love/hate relationship I would have with my post-baby body. We all suffer from...
Heads up, mamas! Easter Sunday is coming up soon! Not that you could miss it, since a plethora of themed products already crowd the shelves of every retail establishment across town! These days Easter, once a sacred holiday, has...

The Old Us

The other night, my husband and I were looking through some old photos of us from our pre-parent days. We were laughing and remembering stories that we haven’t talked about in years. It was getting late, so we wrapped...
Columbia SC Moms Blog is honored to partner with Lundy's Boutique to bring our readers the following post. All opinions are our own. Introducing an easy way to shop for the latest fashions! Shop local, save big, and win a $100 gift certificate! Lundy's Boutique, based...
Columbia SC Moms Blog is honored to partner with Tot Trade to bring our readers the following post. All opinions and experiences are our own. My obsession with clothes and all things baby began when I found out I was pregnant with my...
I read an article where a journalist equated not exposing your child to screens to not exposing them to indoor plumbing. No screen exposure, in his mind, is illogical because there are screens everywhere -- televisions in the pediatrician’s waiting...
In honor of MLK Day, another mom on this blog wrote a piece titled Why I Don't Talk To My Black Kids About Martin Luther King. She states she doesn't want to teach them about his life because she...
First, a confession: when it comes to the two extremes of minimalism and hoarding, I tilt strongly towards hoarding. I have a hard time throwing things away and can justify holding on to just about anything if you give...
A friend gave us a pack of unopened Strawberry Yogurt melts. My daughter is 9 months old and hasn't had strawberries yet. I know some sites say not to give them strawberries until they're a year old since strawberries could...
Do you ever wonder what life will look like when your children are grown and out on their own? If your life currently revolves around diapers and play dates, I’m guessing the answer is “no.” You’re too busy just...
Once upon a time, I was a woman in her twenties who knew exactly what she wanted out of life. I had a solid career path, enjoyed success, and defined myself first and foremost by the job I spent...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids