My son was born in early June. Perfect timing, truly. I didn't have to endure too many days feeling like a cooked whale, and school had just let out, so it seemed like an intelligent time to duck out...
My story into motherhood is not unique except for one key factor. My family moved two times before our infant turned 4 months. And not just down the street. We moved from Seattle to Chicago and then Chicago to...
Your house looks like a frat party gone wrong and you ran out of clothes baskets two weeks ago. Basically, you need to wear your baby, i.e. strap him to yourself in some way as to give you free...
I'm always jealous when I hear moms talk about how their child has always been a great sleeper -- laying down without a fuss and waking up happy 12 hours later at only a few months old. This was SOOOO...
I have three children, and all three have been breastfed. Each breastfeeding journey was a little different, and each of those journeys is now complete. My third baby, my last born, the final addition to the family, weaned in...
Our Milk Sharing Story There are a few different scenarios that might cause a family to seek out donor breast milk for their baby. A mother might have a medical condition that prevents her from breastfeeding or might keep her...
Lucia is our fifth baby; but in some ways she is our first. She is the first baby whose gender I did not know before her birthday. She is the first to be born early. She's the first to...
When I was pregnant with my first baby - my daughter, Mackenzie - I remember browsing Pinterest boards with the soft muted nurseries and the beautiful flat lays of tutus and bows and the bushel of soft blankets that...
  “We’re having a baby!” For most couples, few words elicit as much excitement as those letting family and friends know that you’re starting a family. And for a woman, the rite of passage into motherhood is one of the...
I began using infant massage on my oldest daughter, Joce, long before it was the mainstream thing to do. She always had a very finicky stomach and was put on a medicinal regimen at two weeks old for severe...
I swear I woke up one morning to find I no longer had a baby, I had a toddler, but I still had so much baby stuff! Baby Products: loads of them probably fell upon you when you brought home...
When I found myself pregnant with my second child, my firstborn was 2.5 years old. One great thing about toddlerhood is not having to lug a diaper bag around with you everywhere you go. I had long ditched the bulky...
During my pregnancy, you could smell my crunchiness from a mile away (and it smelled of incense, patchouli, and a vague sense of superiority). I did prenatal yoga every day. I lived on kale smoothies. I meditated. I ran regularly...

The FOMO is Real

Hey there new mama! Congratulations on your newest bundle of joy. Having a new baby is a wild ride. You made it through labor, and your new little one is here! You’re swarmed with visitors, cards, and gifts. You’re...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...