Dear First Time Mom

Having just welcomed our second baby girl in May, I've been thinking about all the things that were so different from my first baby, such as how I feel, what seems easier this time around, what seems harder, and...
A common injury that can occur among new mothers, known as De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, is a painful condition in the wrist(s) caused by tendons in the thumbs. Unusual repetitive positions and movements (such as holding and feeding a baby)...
If you are reading this, you are likely expecting your first baby (congratulations!), or maybe you are in the midst of the newborn haze. As I write this, I am at the end of that first postpartum month, as...
After two difficult years of struggling with infertility, my husband and I were ecstatic over the arrival of our baby girl. We had visions of family walks and family game nights, our little angel swaddled up beside us peacefully...
The first time I saw my baby he was only a tiny bundle wrapped in wires inside a plastic box, face obscured by a breathing mask and bathed in purple light. I cried. It looked like something out of...
When my third child, Levi, was born, I pretty much knew what to expect during the newborn stage. I was no rookie at this point and was all too familiar with engorgement, sleepless nights, cluster feeding, diaper rashes, cradle...
Breastfeeding is a job. It consumes anywhere between two to six hours of your day, depending on the age of your child, whether you're pumping or nursing, and other factors. This time doesn't even include the cleanup you have...
Pregnancy is beautiful. Birth is beautiful. Breastfeeding is a beautiful beast. I’m the mama who breastfeeds in public. No cover. No guilt. No embarrassment. But it wasn’t always that way. The first time I had to breastfeed in public, I was utterly terrified....
Mother's Day can be tough to celebrate when you are the parent of small children; children not old enough to know what Mother's Day is, or to do anything without the help of another adult to let mom know...
Before I was pregnant, I heard of postpartum anxiety and depression (PPA/PPD), but I never thought they would affect me. I had never had mental issues like that. However, my daughter's birth came in a traumatic way. It was not...
We’ve all heard “it takes a village” when raising a family. When I first heard this saying, I imagined a life in which I could take my newborn baby home to a house filled with relatives; aunts, cousins, and...

In + Around Columbia

Mother’s Day in Columbia: 4 Ways to Make Mom Feel Special!

Mother's Day in Columbia and beyond is quickly approaching. Are you ready?! I can't help but look back on my own mother and all the...