It's only July but already parents are thinking about back-to-school because, here in the Midlands, some schools are starting earlier this year. The lackadaisical days of summer and easy summer nights are coming to an end and I know...
"Mom, I want to ask a girl at school to be my Valentine."  I held my breath for a few moments when my 10-year-old said those words. I thought to myself, "He's only 10. It's too early for this. Well,...
Remember playing Chutes and Ladders together? Candyland? Connect Four? Uno? I loved those games. OK, not Candyland. I have a few good fuzzy memories of playing Candyland as a child. They include me always drawing a card to jump ahead and never...
My daughter has depression and recently tried to kill herself. We hospitalized her for her safety, and I'll write about that later - I know it's an important story to tell, but I'm still pretty raw from it.   I'm writing...
Teacher Appreciation Week is the first full week in May, which this year is May 6-10. Thinking about a Teacher Appreciation Week gift give your child's teacher? Before you run to Pinterest to search for cute ideas, I asked...
I am a mother raising teenagers - three of them. I find that every journey with each child has been different. But I expected it would be since they all have different personalities. I often wish I was...
Joining your schools PTO is a great way to stay and get involved with the activities going on in your child's school. My daughter goes to East Point Academy, a Mandarin Immersion school in West Columbia and Cayce. Even...
I had the most beautiful little girl on 12.12.12. Every child changes you in some way. They make you stronger; they show you how much fight you have in you.   With my first baby I was able to be a...
My daughter is in first grade this year. It has been quite a transition from kindergarten, but she and I are learning to navigate it one day at a time. She is a great kid at school, but she...
I remember being eight years old and standing outside a Publix in the sweltering Florida heat. I was trying to work up the courage to ask, "Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?" For a shy little girl, this...
As a mom of children that range in age, it's sometimes easy to miss out on quality time with my older children, especially during the holiday season when everyone is home. Teens are independent but they still need our...
I know - the title already sounds harsh, and you may be tempted to not ready any further. Please do. I spend a lot of time with college students. I live with 35 of them. I teach college classes. And one...
Did you know that career prep can start as early as kindergarten? Carolus Online Academy is a new education option for South Carolina families who are looking for a learning environment that prepares their children for real-world challenges, guiding them...
My husband and I toured traditional, church, and Montessori preschools when we decided it was time for our daughter to start school. They all seemed like fine choices, but we ultimately decided on a Montessori school. We mostly chose...

In + Around Columbia

Weekend Events for Kids

** Events are subject to change. Be sure to click on the event link to verify date and time ** Please Note :: While we...