The first time your child goes away to school, even for just a few hours a day, can be a nerve-wracking proposition. (Well, it is for me anyway!)  How do you know they'll be safe?  Can both of you...
As my little ones and I are finishing up our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten journey, my son's first day of kindergarten is fast approaching. He's going to be riding a new bus to a new school where he'll have...
It was probably when I watched the movie "17 Again" that I started thinking about what I would do differently if I was indeed 17 once again. I work with hundreds of 20 somethings, and I end up listening to...
I am one of those “crazy” women who thought that my husband and I should have our two tiny people within two years of each other. As a result, we now have a 3-year-old little girl and a 1-year-old...
On a scorching hot Tuesday last July, my kids and I decided to head out of town and take a day trip to Richardson's Lake Water Park and Outdoor Recreation Area. We had a blast! Located in Warrenville right near Aiken,...
I have three boys. They range from ages 4 1/2 to 18 months. My house is littered with blocks, trucks, trains, cars, and dolls. Dolls? Not dolls in the traditional baby doll sense, but action figures that my boys (namely...
In the 20 years that I have been a mom, I can honestly say that I have never been as frightened to send my kids back to school as I am now. I have spent a lot of time...
For most children, summertime is a welcomed reprieve. It's a time for pools, splash pads, parks, barbeques, and summer vacations! With all that excitement the last thing children may want to think about is summer learning. But, summer learning doesn't have...
When my daughter was born, I really struggled with breastfeeding. My milk didn't come in at first and then I just wasn't making enough milk for her to gain weight. We tried everything - oatmeal, power pumping, a supplemental...
To My Dearest Kindergartner, I love you. You are amazing in every way, but you know that. Every morning you wake up and get dressed to go off to school. For the first five years of your life your only...
Middle school.  It's a big step in the life of a child. They are moving from that young elementary kid to a pre-teen, discovering who they are, living through puberty, making friends, and beginning to date.  My son is about to...
When I became pregnant there were a lot of unknowns, but I always had the goal of breastfeeding. At first, my goal was to breastfeed for six months. Then my goal became one year, and now we have almost...
Passover is one of my favorite holidays and also the one I am most likely to observe haphazardly. Don’t get me wrong - I love a rousing rendition of “Dayenu” and will absolutely eat your gefilte fish if you...
Remember playing Chutes and Ladders together? Candyland? Connect Four? Uno? I loved those games. OK, not Candyland. I have a few good fuzzy memories of playing Candyland as a child. They include me always drawing a card to jump ahead and never...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids