2017 was another great year for the Columbia SC Moms Blog! We are so thankful to all you, our readers, who were right there with us as we shared stories about our families, highlighted all the fun things to...
Listen, we've all be there. You realize you need a last-minute gift for a neighbor, hairstylist, or mail carrier. Maybe you're on the hunt for a quality stocking stuffer that won't break the bank, or you totally forgot that...
Thank You Next - Columbia SC Moms Blog

Thank You, Next

Every few months I latch onto some Top 40 song that I become obsessed with even though it isn't at all relevant to my current life. I haven't gone through a break-up in about a decade, but I'm living for...
I have always loved the magic and joy surrounding all holidays. The way the world seems to transform, even for just a moment, into a place filled with wonder and excitement. But there's one holiday that has always held...
Once upon a time, I kind of freaked out about having a baby. It was our first, and who knew what to expect? All I knew was that life would change forever, and we were most likely highly unqualified...
"Did you get his cooler? Do you have his cup? Where's his spoon? Make sure you grab a bib! Is this going to be enough for him to eat?! Did you grab the baby food?" This is the conversation my...
For the past 20 years or so, I have been telling people what their kids should be reading. I was a school librarian for 15 years and before that, I worked at various book stores around town. I think...
I sat on the living room floor completely defeated, worn out, and feeling burning hot tears sear a path down my cheeks. I was ready to give up, give in, and give out. My body was spent. My mind...
Mother's Day can be tough to celebrate when you are the parent of small children; children not old enough to know what Mother's Day is, or to do anything without the help of another adult to let mom know...
I first met Angela Yong Sellers, owner and creator of Fit Columbia, about a year ago at an aerial silk yoga session with some of my leadership friends. Wait... a what? Yes, an aerial yoga session! Have you ever...
One of the things my husband and I discussed as our son turned 15 this year, was whether to get him started on learning how to drive. We realize that driving is very complex and carries the consequence of...
I realize I'm in a weird transition period of my life. A moment when I look back and don't see the anger or pain or troubles of my past. Instead, I see the beautiful moments. The moments that make...
We have a king size bed. It is a good thing that we do, because not only do my husband and I sleep in the bed, but so do two medium size dogs, and a 4-year-old. How did this...
It's that time again for many Midlands students and we're wondering -  do you reward good grades at your house? We don't usually, but we do head to Krispy Kreme, with that special print out in hand, to take...

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