This past week I went to a resort in Myrtle Beach with two of my kids and my parents. One child was old enough to ride the waterslide but the other one was too little. I was glad one of them...
I sat on the living room floor completely defeated, worn out, and feeling burning hot tears sear a path down my cheeks. I was ready to give up, give in, and give out. My body was spent. My mind...
On a scorching hot Tuesday last July, my kids and I decided to head out of town and take a day trip to Richardson's Lake Water Park and Outdoor Recreation Area. We had a blast! Located in Warrenville right near Aiken,...
I love playdates! As a work-from-home/stay-at-home mom, I'll take any opportunity to get out of the house with my kids, meet up with some friends, and have fun! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for playdates at someone's house,...
Moms aren't perfect ... and even better yet PEOPLE aren't perfect. The mom shaming and people shaming on social media over the past few weeks is disheartening. I feel shocked and embarrassed at some of the comments I read. They truly are...
My oldest daughter has finally gotten to the age where she is starting to develop a long-term memory. Which makes me think, I probably need to start getting my act together. Meaning, I need to start honing my parenting...
I have a secret. Actually, I have two secrets. While all of you have been debating whether to co-sleep with your babies, let them cry, or are telling me they’ve slept peacefully and alone since they came home from the...
Picture this, it's Friday night ... a welcome end to a crazy week. Your sweet toddler is in her high chair while you and your husband take turns playing DJ for your family dinner/dance party. This night is off to...
I have an 11-year-old and a 22-month-old. Somehow, during the nine years between having my son and daughter, I forgot how challenging toddlerhood is. Just this morning my toddler climbed on the kitchen table, poured a cup of water all over...
  Once a baby is born, parents eagerly await the series of “firsts.” First tooth, first roll over, first words. We can literally see our child grow in how they play, learn, speak and act. While there is definitely a wide...
My daughter, Lucie, can be the most adorable, loving, polite, and caring child I have ever met. Beware if you cross her, though -- you will face the wrath of an age that strikes fear into moms everywhere: threenager-dom!...
  When my elder daughter was about 4, I figured it was a good time to take her in to see a pediatric dentist. I brushed her teeth twice a day, gave her only water at bedtime and flossed (occasionally). So...
There's nothing like officially becoming that mom while your child runs out of the library with only one shoe on. Never fear, mamas of tiny manic terrors, you're not alone in your battle! The struggle is real. I too have one...
I began using infant massage on my oldest daughter, Joce, long before it was the mainstream thing to do. She always had a very finicky stomach and was put on a medicinal regimen at two weeks old for severe...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids