Ah, the terrible twos. Turns out they're not so terrible compared to the threes. I thought it was a myth. But a few months before Little Bit's third birthday, we began seeing the signs. The signs of a threeanger....
So it's totally normal for my child to be obsessed with the movie Frozen, right? Like utterly obsessed?! "Anna, Elsa, Olaf" are the first words out of her mouth as soon as she is awake. She randomly repeats it throughout the...
I'm a mom of two kids, a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. You can imagine the number of things I am asked in a day (like 4,632 questions a minute), most of which are crazy and impossible. However, I realized lately I'm so...
In my house, if you say it, you stick to it. That's why, as a parent, my own parents taught me to be very careful when it came to threats and promises. My husband and I, a total tag...
In June, I wrote about Reading With Your 3 and Under Child. The funny thing about kids is, they tend to grow! As they grow, they start to do really fun things with books and reading ... like have...
When my son was two, we knew his verbal skills were behind. Our pediatrician kept a close eye on him and made us aware of his delay. Around the age of two was when autism was first brought to...
Fashion has always been a mystery to me. Like how do you match those crazy patterned leggings? I can never find a shirt that looks right with them. Also, when did baggy shirts come back in style? And why...
2017 was another great year for the Columbia SC Moms Blog! We are so thankful to all you, our readers, who were right there with us as we shared stories about our families, highlighted all the fun things to...
Your Pediatric Toothpaste Questions Answered Your child’s first tooth is a major milestone. It marks a new stage – and is often accompanied by a new list of questions from first-time parents. Wild Smiles Children’s Dentistry can help answer those...
As a stay-at-home mom, one of the things I've been thinking a lot about is how I'm going to entertain my baby during the sweltering Columbia summer months. There are some great places to visit with your baby (Riverbanks Zoo,...
Dear one-year-ago me, I remember the pain of that last month of pregnancy. Your pelvis aches every moment of the day – the only difference is whether it’s merely uncomfortable or outright painful. You can hardly sleep between the heartburn,...
Asking for help isn't easy, but sometimes, not having help is harder - too hard. And for that reason, we as parents soon learn that we have to learn a new skill: asking for help. In our culture, we seem...
From the moment I found out I was having a little girl, I dreamed of the moment she would start taking "baby dance." I imagined tiny little girls, twirling around in their tutus and clumsily falling on their toddler...
Ah, October. Finally, the temperatures have dipped to make outdoor activities slightly more bearable than they were a month ago. In addition to milder days spent at the zoo, the park, and the Riverwalk, October also means fun seasonal...

In + Around Columbia

Weekend Events for Kids

** Events are subject to change. Be sure to click on the event link to verify date and time ** Please Note :: While we...