Dear Moms, I hope that you are treating yourselves right. Sometimes it's difficult to remember that you are a separate entity from your family (well, it is for me anyway) and that it's absolutely ok to treat yourself to something...
Hi, my name is Ashleigh and I am a makeup junkie. I have acquired a borderline obscene collection of makeup over the years. Eyeshadow, blush, lipstick ... I crave it all. My makeup changes with my mood as well...

Barcode Blues

I. Hate. Shopping. There, I said it. Out loud. For Jimmy Choo to hear. The notion of personal fashion and process of finding clothes that fit for an affordable price sends my blood pressure up at least 50 points, and that’s...
Ok, ladies, let me introduce you to my new online personal stylist ... STITCH FIX! I'm a full-time working mommy and don't have much time for (actual) in store shopping -- I mean, who does? So for the past...
As a mom, I have found there are many mornings when I am functioning on far less than the desirable eight hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep. Whether I have been up all night with a sick toddler or a...
I fell in love with this kid (that's what I call him because he was 21 at the time) and we would go walking every week at Riverfront Park (all 6 miles). That was our date, and it still...
When I go on vacation, I try my hardest to pack as lightly as possible. Try is the operative word here. I tend to go light on things like underwear (I have been known to forget them entirely) and heavy on...
Having worked in cosmetics for over seven years, I have learned to not only love my skin, but most importantly to protect it. My skin care routine involves name brand lotions and potions as well as some over the...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids