The trouble with being a writer is that all the stupid things you’ve ever said are out there in the ether, just waiting to embarrass you. Take a column I wrote in 2003, in which I bragged that I was...
When you have a large family you have to buy a lot -- and you end up throwing away a lot. I started feeling terrible throwing everything into one garbage can, knowing it would go to a landfill to...
As a parent, you hope to leave the planet a little better off for your children, or at the very least, no worse, right? We could talk about all the trendy buzzwords -- carbon footprints, climate change, global energy...
When we relocated to Columbia from Connecticut I had a new vision. I was giving up the morning rush of a working mom and going to immerse myself fully in my transitioning family. I would become the model supportive wife...
Racing the eggs … this is my metaphor for trying to do too many things and not really doing a great job of any. Let me explain. Most mornings I eat scrambled eggs for breakfast. I beat the eggs with milk,...
While grocery shopping a few weeks ago I perused the Easter aisles, with the vague notion that maybe I should start preparing some ideas for Easter baskets. Now, I admit that I don't get insanely excited about making Easter baskets. To...
Even though in the past weeks we have seen unusually cold weather around here, spring is definitely approaching and with it, the fever to clean and create more organized toys. Call me crazy, but I absolutely love an orderly, clean...
For a variety of reasons, many of us become stay-at-home moms after birth. However, there comes a point when our sweet babies are in school, and then what? We can either transition to housewife (or "homemaker"), or we can...
Road safety Please, if at all possible, stay at home when it snows! In South Carolina, the state is not equipped to deal with snow emergencies as efficiently as Northern states where snow is more frequent. I'm from Long Island, New York...
My days are long ones. In September, I traded in my life working outside the home for one as a work-at-home mom so I could focus on my health and taking care of the kids. I miss the challenges...
After the craziness of the holidays, we went to the coast to unwind and relax a bit. I love to walk in the morning, so I got up before the sun, put on my tennis shoes, and headed out...
Can you believe it's 2015? I still feel like the impending Y2K disaster (that didn't happen) was just the other day! Yesterday you heard from some of our contributors about their New Year's resolutions, and from one who doesn't make...
Ever heard the phrase "another day, another dollar"?  Well, this is how I view New Year's resolutions: "another year, another goal." A goal that most people won't meet, that is. To me they're a waste of time -- time...
Happy new year, and welcome to my favorite day of the year. January 1 brings a new calendar year and a chance to start fresh. It's a new dayplanner with nothing crossed out yet, a clean blanket of snow with...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids