I remember the middle school years like they were yesterday. The cool, caustic burn of a Clearasil wipe straight from the little plastic tub. The thrill of an encouraging word from a favorite teacher at the top of a...
Perhaps it comes with age, perhaps it comes with more responsibilities, and just plain “adulting,” but it feels as though the “old me” is just that – old and a thing of the past. Back in the day, before my...
I was recently contemplating a phenomenon I've encountered throughout my life that always makes me pause: people sharing strong opinions at unnecessary or unprompted times. I've been in the traditional workplace for 14 years and have witnessed the following on...
Dear one-year-ago me, I remember the pain of that last month of pregnancy. Your pelvis aches every moment of the day – the only difference is whether it’s merely uncomfortable or outright painful. You can hardly sleep between the heartburn,...
With a hurricane headed towards the coast, parents across our region are waiting to see what will be canceled and when - if not for our own safety this far inland, perhaps to accommodate evacuees from the coast. As a...
What is the hardest job on earth? I asked my 14-year-old and he said, "firefighter." My 17-year-old said it was the men in the army on the front lines bravely fighting battles. My 19-year-old daughter said, “An astronaut going to...
“Mommy, where do babies come from?” I knew it. My 6-year-old son’s inquiring mind finally brought him to the age old question as he watched my belly grow with his brother. In the moment, I panicked. Up to this...

New Year Reflections

Resolutions have never been my thing. I've always felt if I resolved to do something, then it was the surefire way to make sure I was not going to do it. Of course I want to lose weight, I...
Mother's Day advertisements and commercials give you the idea that it is all about flowers, gifts, and family dinners, and for some that is the case. But for many others, the focus on Mother's Day for weeks leading up...

One in Eight

I am one in eight. One out of every eight couples struggles with infertility. We are one of those one-in-eights. You wouldn't necessarily know it from looking at me or my home because my life revolves around taking care of...
Have you heard about love languages? It's basically five different ways to show your love for someone else. As an adult, you can take a quiz to see what ways you like to be loved, and how you prefer...
One, two, three, breathe. One, two, three, breathe.  I repeated the mantra to myself three times before I responded to my son. His anxiety was acting up, and he was inundating me with questions about the current situation worrying him....
As a woman prepares for motherhood, the one thing she hears with as much consistency as her child fills his diaper 1.2 nanoseconds after a new one has been put on is "having a child will change your life." Truer...
My son has life-threatening food allergies. So when he entered kindergarten two years ago, one of my biggest fears was if he would be included in all the classroom activities. His allergies can often mean he is unable to...

In + Around Columbia

Weekend Events for Kids

** Events are subject to change. Be sure to click on the event link to verify date and time ** Please Note :: While we...