Visiting Riverbanks Zoo with kids when you're pregnant may sound daunting, especially given the fact that it covers 170 walking acres. Luckily, there are various indoor exhibits and lots of sitting areas. Here are our best tips for pregnant...
Dear self, It’s happening, it’s really happening! You’re going to be a mom! I know your mind is racing with all of the exciting things you need to do to prepare, but if I there is one thing I...
Second baby, first pregnancy? What? How? Surprisingly, it seems like everyone knows someone who adopted and then … BAM! … got pregnant. Like me. I joke that it happened because my daughter gets everything she asks for and she started asking...
Dear Caroline, I write this letter to future you. By the time you’re old enough to understand, you probably won’t even remember much of what life is like right this moment. You probably won’t remember the wonderful chaos of being...
Growing up as an only child, I always dreamed of having a big family. I could imagine family reunions and holidays filled with lots of people, lots of food, and lots of fun. When I got married, my husband...
A pregnancy brings with it a great deal of excitement and anticipation. My boys are six and four, and recently, they have become very interested in the arrival of boy number three, who will be here in September. Since...
It was a cool winter day in SC, (so you know, it was probably 60 degrees) and I was 36.5 weeks pregnant. I was about to go to sleep when all of the sudden, POP, there goes my water!...
This is my second (and very likely my last) time being pregnant. I've got my boy and I'm getting my girl, so I probably won't fight my husband on his insistence that this is IT. Things are pretty different this...
The third trimester of pregnancy is well-known for being the most physically uncomfortable as the bump that started in the first or second trimester continues to grow. It also is the trimester when women get a boost of nesting energy as they...
As I lay in a supported position with the soles of my feet touching and my hands on my belly, I could feel my baby fluttering around in my growing belly. I wasn’t in my own bed or at...
In some of the social media groups I'm in, a question has been floating around in recent months. It's generally phrased like this, "How do you know when you're done having kids? When is your family complete?" I usually don't...
The second trimester of pregnancy is well-known as the "easiest trimester" as many first trimester symptoms have gone away. It also is the trimester when women start to "look pregnant" and have other symptoms relating to their weight gain....
I first met Angela Yong Sellers, owner and creator of Fit Columbia, about a year ago at an aerial silk yoga session with some of my leadership friends. Wait... a what? Yes, an aerial yoga session! Have you ever...
The first trimester of pregnancy is well-known for symptoms of fatigue, nausea, increased urination, and breast tenderness. But how do these symptoms really affect women's day to day lives? I crowdsourced and asked my family and friends to complete...

In + Around Columbia