"Did you get his cooler? Do you have his cup? Where's his spoon? Make sure you grab a bib! Is this going to be enough for him to eat?! Did you grab the baby food?" This is the conversation my...
My story into motherhood is not unique except for one key factor. My family moved two times before our infant turned 4 months. And not just down the street. We moved from Seattle to Chicago and then Chicago to...
It was going to be a lovely Friday. It was my day off after having been back to work for four full weeks post-maternity. I was looking forward to cleaning/tidying up the house, a pedicure and other wonderful things...
As I rounded the corner of Target this morning I spotted a new mom juggling to quiet what sounded like a newborn baby boy. (You know that precious mousey squeak that absolutely melts all mamas' hearts? That was it.)...
We’ve all heard “it takes a village” when raising a family. When I first heard this saying, I imagined a life in which I could take my newborn baby home to a house filled with relatives; aunts, cousins, and...
I'm the oldest of three children, and I don't really remember my mom ever telling me she was pregnant with my sister. I was 2 1/2 when she was born, and I just remember going to the hospital and...
I recently had my fifth child and no matter how many times I experience motherhood, I continue to be amazed. I stand in awe of the creation of babies and what the woman’s body does to birth these children. It’s amazing...
A couple of months before my daughter was born a girlfriend took me to register at a big box baby store. Strolling the aisles with my scanner in hand, I was overwhelmed by the amount of products one tiny...
Dear New Mom, Let me preface this by telling you that I’m not an expert. I haven’t been at this very long, but my 14 months have given me a teeny bit of wisdom. First, you’re doing a great job,...
A common injury that can occur among new mothers, known as De Quervain's Tenosynovitis, is a painful condition in the wrist(s) caused by tendons in the thumbs. Unusual repetitive positions and movements (such as holding and feeding a baby)...
Your Pediatric Toothpaste Questions Answered Your child’s first tooth is a major milestone. It marks a new stage – and is often accompanied by a new list of questions from first-time parents. Wild Smiles Children’s Dentistry can help answer those...
I have had a love/hate relationship with public breastfeeding. I love being able to breastfeed my infant son, but I hate that nursing in public still has a stigma attached. I have nursed all over Columbia in the past three...
We are those people you hate, those people with one child that sleeps 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. practically every night. In case you are a new mom who wants to know how we did it, I’m listing all...
I read an article where a journalist equated not exposing your child to screens to not exposing them to indoor plumbing. No screen exposure, in his mind, is illogical because there are screens everywhere -- televisions in the pediatrician’s waiting...

In + Around Columbia