How has it almost been a year since you joined our family? It was like I blinked and just yesterday I was back at the doctors’ office, sitting impatiently waiting to go back to work while the doctor reviewed the ultrasound screen....
Terrible Twos. I've been dreading the moment when we would reach that time of inconsolable whining and unreasonable demands. The time everyone warned me about when mothering would consist of mostly just trying not to lose my mind. But you...
One of the hardest things for me when it comes to being a mom is realizing that my baby is no longer a baby. I was so overjoyed Sarah turned one in September, but at the same time, that...
The music in every store during the shopping frenzy, every child is beaming with excitement of Santa's arrival, families getting together to celebrate the holiday spirit, there are just so many things to enjoy and be thankful for during...
I am a lover of words. I always have been, since I was nine and overjoyed that my parents bought me a typewriter for my birthday. This love continued through high school where I filled countless composition books with...

Dear First Time Mom

Having just welcomed our second baby girl in May, I've been thinking about all the things that were so different from my first baby, such as how I feel, what seems easier this time around, what seems harder, and...
From the moment my husband and I decided it was time to start our family, I have been surprised by many things related to pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood/parenting. Things I didn't know about and didn't expect. There is so...
When I started my baby registry, I was completely overwhelmed by the options and the amount of stuff I needed, or thought I needed, to prepare for baby. There are the obvious things, like diapers and bottles, but there is so...
Babies are everywhere! Lately, I am finding that more and more of my friends are pregnant and having babies, and it's so exciting. There's nothing more exciting than a brand new life (and a squishy, cute little baby!) coming...
“They grow up so fast. It happens in the blink of an eye.” For years I have heard other, more experienced parents utter these words to me. And while I understood the sentiment and grasped the concept of the years of...
Around the age of 25, I became the last remaining person in my family, immediate and somewhat extended, to get glasses. My husband has had glasses since he was about 10, along with lots of family members as well....
My husband and I have been entrusted with the care and guidance of three beautiful, divine feminine souls. When our first daughter was born, we were only twenty-five and clueless about taking care of ourselves, much less a newborn....
As I rounded the corner of Target this morning I spotted a new mom juggling to quiet what sounded like a newborn baby boy. (You know that precious mousey squeak that absolutely melts all mamas' hearts? That was it.)...
When I was in college, all-nighters were easy. A diet cola, rock 'n' roll blaring through the headphones of my portable CD player, and a can of tuna fish with a jar of pickles (I had weird cravings even...

In + Around Columbia