Your first time cooking Easter Dinner for everyone can be a daunting task. But I am here to assure you that, yes, you can make Easter Dinner. So, here are some recipes that are grandmother-approved and nearly impossible to...
Wow, how things have changed in Columbia in just the last few days! Schools are closed, people are working from home, restaurants are closing their doors, and Soda City Market has been canceled for the foreseeable future. However, it's never been...
School is out, jobs are on hold, many are working from home, and times are stressful. But your next child's next meal doesn't have to be. Here's a list of local resources offering free meals for students during this...
  It's no secret that I love cooking. On top of that, I love cooking a wide variety of things - from simple spaghetti or meatloaf to more complicated soups and ethnic dishes. It's something I enjoy immensely. One of my...
"Dr. Seuss was a storyteller in the grandest sense of the word. Not only did he tell fantastical tales of far-away places but he also gave us a unique visual language that carried his stories to new heights of artistic...
My husband and I celebrated our first Valentine's Day back in February of 1993. We were seniors at Lower Richland High school and had been dating for about four months. My mom said I could invite him over for...
A little birdie told me January is National Soup Month. Soup is the one dish that I seriously eat all year round. I don’t care what the temperature is. I. Love. Soup! For me, soup is an instant mood...
This is the first week that I have felt the fall season upon me. The weather is cooler, leaves are changing, pumpkins are appearing outside the neighborhood, and I can finally convince myself to buy that Halloween candy. With the...
As a first time mother of a 9 month old, it goes without saying that my mornings before work aren't as... let's go with 'smooth"... as they used to be. Allow me to elaborate: Pre-mom Mornings: Alarm goes off -...
Do you remember the fun you had introducing your baby to new foods? Every day was a new little adventure. You can still enjoy those adventures today, no matter their age - or yours! All it takes is a few...
My name is Katie and I love dessert. There, I can admit it. There is not a brownie I don’t love nor a chocolate chip cookie I won’t sample. Do I want a donut? You better believe it. But there...
The dreaded question: What do we want to eat this week? Almost as soon as the question leaves my lips, I can hear my husband groan. As much as we both love eating, meal planning always seemed like a...
Whether you're new to South Carolina or have spent your entire life here, you know we count the minutes until spring arrives. The second the temperature drops below 70 degrees in October, we're ready for our "warm" weather back...
Here's how to make a super easy bunny cake with your littles this Easter. This has been a tradition in our family for years. I used to make them with my mom, and now my little girl looks forward...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids