Who is ready for a new year?! Like many people, I'm going to use the new year as a fresh start! Some of these are 100% serious, and some are on the silly side (with a hint of truth...
If you rely on social media, for what it’s meant for, to be social, you may find it can be challenging to keep your sanity. There's always that one friend who constantly posts those polarizing political posts. That one...
In the past I've struggled with coming up with ideas other than candy and fruit to stuff stockings. So this year I decided to branch out and make a list of other options. And since I went to all...
I don't remember ever being overly excited about Thanksgiving. As an only child from a ... let's say ... odd family, I would watch holiday movies with intense interest. Who were these people? How did so many of them...
'Tis the season for making a new start. If you follow any publication or friends on social media, you know that right now they are all about how to make this year better than the last - more organized,...
Sometimes dads get a bad rap. They are teased for their inability to remember which brand of yogurt to purchase at the grocery store. They are chided for not spending enough quality time with their kids. And sometimes they...
I have started and erased so many paragraphs in this post. I thought it would be easy to write, being a veteran myself. But in fact, it's one of the hardest posts I've written. I honestly don't know how...
My friends will tell you I’m a neat freak. My friends might be right. I was woefully unprepared for the deluge of paper that comes with children. T-shirt order form, ticket order form, homework, projects, therapy notes, doctors’ forms and...
I hear you knocking; so eager to remind me that I’m halfway to the finish line. You’ve been patiently waiting at my front door since this year began; watching me come and go, smiling with every passing day, every...
Hi, my name is Ashleigh and I am a Jew who married a gentile. And I send my firstborn to a Baptist preschool. And I love bacon. Woo! That feels good to get out there! Happy Hanukkah, friends! Mazel Tov...
As a mom, I have become exceptionally good at multitasking. I have taken conference calls while taking temperatures. I have written blog posts on my iPhone from the waiting room of the orthodontist’s office. I have arranged an entire...
If you’re anything like me then the moment that ring was slid onto your finger you began to envision and plan for the perfect wedding day. You daydreamed about the ins and outs of married life. The two of...
As a mom and a shopper, I love Black Friday -- and I hate it. I love the deals -- we got some great videos last year for $5 each! I hate the pressure of getting to a store, or checking...
When I was seven years old, my family changed overnight. My parents decided to become foster parents, and one day, as I was riding my bike down the street, a friend came up, pedaling furiously, yelling, "The foster kids...

In + Around Columbia

Columbia Family Events | May

May in Columbia is full of fun – from puppet shows, outdoor play, storytimes, art activities, and more! Get out your calendars and make...

Weekend Events for Kids